Chairman of the Central Commission for Elections and Lydia Yermoshina has promised human rights activist Leanid Svetsik consider his proposal to amend the existing electoral law. But human rights groups doubt that this will be done.
In his address to the CEC a human rights activist said that while observing the voting process in the last presidential elections he faced unjustified ban fix the voting process and the counting of votes. It happened at the polling station №16 Pervomaisky district of Viciebsk. The chairman of the committee informed him that precinct commission decided to ban the conduct of the polling station on the territory of photo and video.
Read the minutes of the meeting at which the ban was introduced, the chairman of the district commission refused defender. However, to make photo and video on the site was not allowed. From other Viciebsk human rights observers found that these decisions were taken, and other commissions.
According to Leonid Svetik, the decision to ban the conduct of the polling stations on the territory of stills and movies is not based on the law, but because the precinct election commission exceeded its powers. Indeed, according to article 13 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, national observers were not allowed to make photo and video at the polling station.
Therefore, Mr. Svetik suggested that the CEC initiate amendments to Article 13 of the Electoral Code of the empowerment of national observers. Namely, in the electoral law to enter the following statement: "Observers are allowed to conduct photo and video at the polling station on the polling station." Human rights activist expressed confidence that the specification of the rights of national observers will fully implement the principle of publicity of elections held in the country, will increase confidence in the electoral system, reducing opportunities rigged election campaigns.
On these things appeal Lydia M. answered very briefly:
"We inform you that the reason for the ban PECs observers to conduct survey in the areas were the provisions of Article 13 of the Electoral Code, containing an exhaustive list of rights of observers, and decision-making of the PECs such a ban is not required. How do you specify, and in his speech, in the said article, the right of observers to conduct photo and video recording is not provided. The Central Commission does not have the right of legislative initiative to amend the electoral law, however, further improvement when it lifted your question can be proposed for consideration in the established order."
However, Leonid V. doubt that his proposal is in any way taken into account when changing the Electoral Code on the eve of elections to the House of Representatives. After all, if the observers will have the opportunity to make photo and video at the polls, it will help to fix the illegal campaigning on the site and make it more difficult manipulation of the ballots in the counting of votes.
Lyavon Efremenko