Spectators concert dedicated to 85th anniversary of Vladimir Karatkevich may not notice anything. In fact, until the beginning they were not allowed into the room while they stage design, specifically made for the anniversary of the writer-countryman.
Head of the district department of ideology, culture and youth affairs, Anna Svetlova seen in the design stage a traditional ornament, painted with red paint on a white background. And stated that from a distance it could be mistaken for the "opposition" white-red-white flag. Technical staff of the city center of culture had to carry out an urgent order – stylized ornament hang towels. But there were so surprised that they could not share their impressions with their friends. And now in Vorša widely discussed as "cautious" an official in, even if it seems Ornament "seditious." Particularly impressive is that such osterezheniya appeared in a special day for all orshantsev – November 26, on the anniversary of the writer-countryman Vladimir Karatkevich.
One more precaution Belarusian art lovers have learned 27 November. It turns out that Lina Gotovskaja, the museum's director Vladimir Karatkeivch suddenly canceled a concert Sergey Dovgushev, the actor State Philharmonic, the participant Harmonic style project, SD, and the group "Vural". The singer said he received a formal invitation to act, adjusted for this his concert schedule and suddenly the day before the concert was refused by email. Together with apologies museum director he explained the reasons for the actor: they say, just before the changes were made to the program, and instead it was decided to include in the concert of other local speakers.
By the way, Sergey Dovgushev also considers himself as a "local" – he was born in Vorša district not just speaking here, including the Museum of Vladimir Karatkevich. However, according to him, all relations with this institution he is ready to stop.