In the Viciebsk region, as well as all over Belarus, political parties and social activists summarize the participation in the presidential elections. Viciebsk human rights activists who are actively involved in monitoring the election campaign at its various stages, shared their experiences and discussed the results of the recent political events.
Human rights defenders have come to believe that their presence as observers in the territorial and precinct election commissions beneficial effect on the work of these commissions. Human rights activists who know the law and have many years of experience in monitoring the election campaign, promptly detect errors in compliance with electoral procedures and put them in popularity workers IR. Thus, they participated in correcting the flaws and outright fraud in the application of the electoral law.
Speaking about the last election campaign, human rights activists have noted several important points that have had a significant impact on public confidence in the election results.
First of all, a matter of the formation of the PEC. Typically, the precinct election commissions formed on the basis of groups of government agencies or institutions. Heading the executive committee put the head of the organization. Subordinates chairman of the commission – the rank and file workers of the same economic unit of society. Thus, the leadership election could lead the chain of PEC directly through the heads of state enterprises and organizations.
The second problem – it is early voting. It is necessary to monitor the result of the election of the country's leader or deputy. The fact is that in the absence of proper monitoring by observers is possible to know exactly who to voters. This allows you to remove from the ballot boxes for early voting ballots filled in for one candidate, and throw in the trash papers filled for the candidate who on the government's plans to become a winner. Fortunately, the papers still do not have numbers and other security features, and the ballot papers used for voting, can be easily propagated by Xerox – and no one will notice their substitution. From the right candidate for the authorities to the day of primary voting have a head start over their competitors at least 30%.
The third problem – the vote count. It takes place transparently, giving ample opportunities to manipulate the results of the last election day – the day of the primary vote.
The rest of the breaches of the electoral law – the manipulation of voter lists, hidden or overt campaigning at polling stations, the presence of unauthorized persons in polling stations, mass voting outside polling station (mobile voting) – did not significantly affect the results of the vote, according to human rights activists.
After analyzing the elections, Viciebsk human rights activists have decided to offer a deal to the authorities – in the next electoral group to appoint their chairmen of several district election commissions.
If the results of these polling stations will not differ materially from those in other areas, the civil society activists are ready to accept their views on electoral fraud in error, the authorities bring a public apology and acknowledge the Belarusian Electoral Code of the relevant European standards for democratic elections.
Vitebsk Spring