In Viciebsk, in the precinct election commissions (PECs) did not include representatives of the opposition parties. The administrations of the city felt that the political opponents of the government are not qualified to work on counting and left in the committees of people far from political activity.
Thus, the administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Viciebsk was set up some working group that is not provided by the electoral law. The group carefully studied the dossiers of all candidates for members of election commissions. According to the management of district administration, members of the working group used several criteria for selecting candidates for the PEC. The principal of these criteria have been experience of panelists at the grass-roots committees and participation in social and public events organized by the authorities in the period between election campaigns. Just these criteria conform to government members of public organizations and associations, which are included in the compositions of the PEC. The rest of the PEC members were nominated by citizens and labor collectives.
However, if you carefully analyze the commissions, it is clear that the Commission – regardless of the manner in which their members to have been put forward – formed on the production principle. All or at least the majority of PEC members – it is, as a rule, employees of the same workforce. And this team often worked on the state enterprise. Commission officials are convenient to control and easy to manage through them, voting results, because the leadership and members of the committees are directly dependent on executive bodies.
That tactic district administrations on the formation of PEC was designed to trifles and did not let failure, showed exemplary leadership voting members of the administration of the Oktyabrsky district. They unanimously voted "against" 16 opposition members who wanted to exercise their legitimate right to participate in political campaign.
This raises an interesting question. Are members of the United Civil Party, the Belarusian Popular Front Party and the Left Party "Fair World" in the amount of 16 people could destabilize the PEC area, where a total of 839 people entered? Or, perhaps, his participation in the committees the opposition would make it impossible to falsify the election results in their fields?
Vitebsk Spring