As the mother of a political prisoner Valentin Olinevich from Igor Olinevich letters began to arrive. Of these, it became known that the political prisoner supervisory appeal to the Supreme Court was not satisfied.
"Almost twenty days were writing. That and 23 July as the letter came. It Igor says that a supervisory appeal to the Supreme Court, which he previously wrote a negative answer came. A copy of the decision at hand is not issued, and in 2013, as it turns out, all the selected codes in Belarus convicted.
July 9 Igor was placed in the punishment cell, for whatever reason - does not write. Also son read some articles, including the improvement of prison conditions in Belarus (assuming monitoring reports CHKPU "Platform" - approx. ed.). So even those who sit for a long time, say that about any improvements there is no question, and conditions are only getting worse and worse.
In addition, today introduced another ban on a number of products in the programs: Prevent bananas, berries, spices, dried fruits, honey. But his son is a little worried, because soon the year as Igor stripped gears and visits. This indicates that more and more tougher attitude towards it ", - said Valentine Olinevich.
In turn, the lawyer of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" Paul Sapelka pays attention: "As a general rule, the convicted person is permitted to carry a maximum of five books and magazines, excluding textbooks required for obtaining a general secondary, technical and vocational education and training. Literature in excess of 5 books and magazines, shall be sentenced for storage in a warehouse or transferred to relatives or with his consent in the prison library.
The ban on the storage of legal literature, of course, violate the rights of the convicted, although formally it and can be derived from these standards."
"In accordance with the Criminal Executive Code, the authorities and officials to whom proposals, applications and complaints are addressed must consider them within the laws of the Republic of Belarus terms and decided to bring to the attention of the convicts through the administration of correctional institutions - continues P. Sapelka. - In the Internal Rules provides that the replies received on the results of consideration of proposals, petitions and complaints declared convicted under the signature when they arrive, but no later than in the three-day period.
In other words, the administration formally granted the right only to familiarize inmates with the content of their responses to treatment. The only thing they can do with the prisoners - to request permission to copy these answers. This situation violates the rights of prisoners to be protected, because the use of text responses to the complaint for further correspondence and appeal, of course, important."