Only at the second attempt succeeded the founders of the "Platform Innovation" Mikhail Zhrmchuzhny, which are contained in the Vitebsk prison, send a letter to the human rights activist Leonid Svetsik. The first letter was confiscated by the prison censor.
According to preliminary data, Mikhail Zhrmchuzhny charged under three articles of the Criminal Code – 376 (parts 1, 2), 375 (part 1) and 431 (part 1 of 2) – intentional disclosure, which contain official secrets; illegal acquisition (production) means for non-public information representing official secret; bribery.
In early June, a human rights activist Leonid Svetik, which is in correspondence with Mikhail Zhrmchuzhny, sent him another letter. He expressed his support for the prisoner, and informed him that human rights activists are closely watching his process. In particular, he noted that "human rights defenders were not allowed even at the beginning of a process that is open in nature and meaning of the Code of Criminal Procedure". This "have a procedural violation", but "the only thing that remains – is to write a complaint in the book of comments and suggestions, and that was done."
Taking into account the closeness of the trial, which limits public access to the case file, Mr. Leonid asked Zhrmchuzhny introduces him at least with the "details of the process that do not violate the privacy of the judicial investigation" and to assess "the lawyer, the quality of expertise and professionalism of the experts, participating in the process". He also asked "to report on the state of health and about the things that would facilitate the stay in prison."
The answer to his letter Leonid Svetik waited eleven days. The founder of the "Platform" informed him that in its previous letter, seized by the censor, he replied in detail to all the questions put to him. It's obvious answers something did not suit the censor, so the message is not reached the addressee.
In his last letter to Michael Zhrmchuzhny he expressed gratitude for the support that its position "tenfold increases strength", and praised the work lawyers who "repeatedly failed to expose the false witnesses". According to the Zhrmchuzhny, "the court goes along the same lines as in the case of Andrei Bondarenko and Nikolai Statkevich," although his lawyer "only one episode of 30 percent failed to prove innocence".
According to Zhrmchuzhny, in everyday terms no serious needs it does not yet have, as representatives of various human rights organizations have provided him with all necessary. Kept prisoner cheerfully, "health is perfect". "The mood is excellent. The harder the fight, the more resistant is the resistance. Done all: I do not get used, behind five years of illegal detention. On the evil I survive this regime will go out and will do everything just right" – convinces it at the end of the letter itself and the destination.
Vitebsk Spring