The UN Committee on Human Rights at the 111th session considered two complaints Vitebsk residents. The verdict Committee: Republic of Belarus had violated the rights of Igor Alexandrov and Valery Bazarov chastise them five years ago, fines for participating in an unsanctioned street procession. According to the committee, the authorities have violated paragraph 2 of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (the right to freedom of expression), and in respect of Bazarov was broken yet and the article 21 of the Covenant (right to peaceful assembly).
Events that drove activists to ask for help in the HRC, occurred in 2009. Igor Alexandrov and Valery Bazarov decided to celebrate Freedom Day. March 25, they, together with Sergei Kovalenko came out with a white-red-white flag in the center of Vitebsk. In case police intervened: the guys were charged with violation of Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events). March 27 judge court of October district of Vitebsk Elena Kozilova made the decision on punishment activists penalties: each of them has to pay state income for 70 thousand rubles (two baselines). Attempts to appeal this decision to the Vitebsk Regional and Supreme Courts have failed.
As the Committee noted in its decisions regarding the Vitebsk activists when introduced certain restrictions on the rights, the State must explain, in order to achieve any legitimate purposes of the law are limited. However, the Belarusian government has not explained how the silent movement of three people on the sidewalk at lunchtime violated the rights and freedoms of others or endanger national security or public order. Therefore, the committee concluded that the persecution of Bazarov and Alexandrov for their participation in a peaceful assembly, even though it was not sanctioned by the authorities, is unjustified restriction of rights.
According to the decision of the HRC, Belarus as a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights must ensure Vitebsk activists effective remedies and compensation, and cover the fines imposed on them. Also, the government should take measures to prevent similar violations in the future; Committee recalled that the Belarusian authorities that they should review the legislation, in particular the Law on Mass Events on December 30, 1997.