Truly Shakespearean passions boiled February 7 meeting of the Viciebsk Regional Council of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada). It seemed that his delegates are in the last fight. Verbal altercation escalated to such an extent that it seemed a little more and it comes to manhandling. How then told the participants of events in their memory this has not happened.
The former candidate for President of the Republic of Belarus Tatiana Karatkevich and head of its election headquarters of Andrei Dmitriev met February 10 in Viciebsk activists of the campaign "Tell the Truth" and concerned citizens for peaceful change.
In Belarus in the autumn of this year must undergo regular elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the country. In preparation for this event, the regional party structures revived its organizational and propaganda work. Among the parties who are going to participate in the election campaign, there is also the Republican Party of Labor and Justice.
Scientist, founder human rights institution "Platform" Michael Zhamchuzhny, in a letter from prison in Navasady told about what he was subjected to psychological pressure when approaching the court.
The concern of the authorities about the state among the Catholic clergy in our country to a certain extent we can understand – each State acting in accordance with their political views. This was stated by the Catholic bishop of Viciebsk Oleg Boutkevitch.
The founder of the "Platform Innovation" Michael Zhamchuzhny in July 2015 was convicted of the Viciebsk regional court to 6 years imprisonment in a penal colony. October 23 the judicial board on criminal cases of the Supreme Court considered an appeal and appointed Zhemchuzhny more severe punishment – six and a half years in prison.
At noon on January 28 three and four hundred entrepreneurs gathered in Viciebsk on the square in front of the regional executive committee. Before we get to a scheduled meeting with government officials, small traders from Viciebsk, Połacak and Navapołacak have been organized column Lenin Street to the building of the Viciebsk branch of the International University "MITSO". However, the assembly hall of the institution could not contain such a large number of visitors.
About 200 of Viciebsk entrepreneurs over an hour standing in the cold in front of the regional executive committee, waiting for what will end the negotiations with the representatives of the delegates of the local administration.
Viciebsk Regional Court dismissed the complaint Navapołacak coordinator of the organizing committee of the "Belarusian Christian Democracy" Andrew Haidukov the decision of Navapołacak Court of 30 November. The case considered by Judge Svetlana Ivanova.