"January 24 suddenly, for no reason, I was summoned to the commission and said that would send the case to court on placing me in jail for three years. Probably, it will be Harodnia, so the address can be changed", – said after the two-month silence, Viciebsk human rights activists political prisoner Mikhail Zhamchuzhny.
Court of Mikhail I. interned in prison must undergo in Barysaŭ. For the upcoming trial political prisoner intensely preparing – he wants "to fight the" entire system of punishment. He sees the desire to toughen the punishment as a surrender of the correctional institution #14 administration: "This is another attempt to break me mentally and "shut his mouth"," – writes staunch political prisoner Zhamchuzhny.
Prisoner of conscience from Viciebsk said at will, leading an active correspondence with a former judge of the Constitutional Court of Doctor of Law, Professor Mikhail Pastukhov, members of "Viasna" human rights center, the former head of the "Platform" human rights organization, and now prisoner of correctional institution #15 (Mahiloŭ) Andrei Bondarenko.
Zhamchuzhny also finds the time to not only read the periodical press, but also trying to be a reporter. He recently wrote another article in the newspaper "Narodnaya Volya", which sets the Belarusian society questions about the political persecution of opponents of the regime in Belarus today and how will be investigated "crime regime."
Traditionally at the end of the letter Michael Zhamchuzhny tells about his health that he "is not fail", and about the life and conditions in the FCT. He also thanked all those who support him and worry about his fate.
Lyavon Efremenko