Viciebsk region took the last place in the rating of enterprising regions, in which the largest number of individual entrepreneurs per 1 thousand inhabitants. But Viciebsk individual entrepreneurs earn more than others on agriculture. The study conducted the Kufar announcement site on the basis of official statistics and own data.
In the Viciebsk region, there are about 18 individual entrepreneurs per 1,000 inhabitants. The leader in the same number of individual entrepreneurs and their share among the population was the Minsk region. In the most enterprising region, even without the capital, there are 26 individual entrepreneurs per 1,000 inhabitants. More only in Minsk – about 40 individual entrepreneurs per every thousand townspeople.
The second place in the rating is occupied by the Hrodna region, where there are about 23 individual entrepreneurs per 1 thousand inhabitants. The third place with a minor backlog is occupied by the Brest region. Small businesses are also developing in the Mahiloŭ region, in which over 2.1% of the population work for themselves. It is followed by the Homiel region with 19 individual entrepreneurs per 1 thousand inhabitants.
Most of all individual entrepreneurs earn in Minsk, where the turnover per entrepreneur on average is about 2500 rubles per month. Outside the capital, it is most profitable to conduct business in the Brest region, where businessmen earn about 2300 rubles on average. The second place among the regions is Hrodna Oblast with 2270 rubles for each individual entrepreneurs. Almost 70 rubles less receive the individual entrepreneurs in the Homiel region. The line below is the capital region, where the proceeds of the entrepreneurs is usually 2,170 rubles. Businesses in the Mahiloŭ region (2060 rubles) are less earning, and the list of the Viciebsk region closes – here the individual entrepreneurs can count on a turnover of 2030 rubles per month.
Most of the entrepreneurs in Belarus are engaged in trade, construction and transportation. In each region in these areas more than half of the registered individual entrepreneurs work. The only exception is Minsk, where consultants, designers and photographers came second after the dealers.
On average, every second ruble Belarusian entrepreneurs receive from the sphere of trade. However, each region has its own characteristics. So, entrepreneurs of the Minsk region earn more than others on production and construction, Viciebsk – on agriculture, and Brest – on medical and social services. In the Homiel region, as nowhere else are services of temporary residence and food.
"Small business begins to play an increasingly prominent role in the economy, taking even those areas that have traditionally been the prerogative of large companies. This has a positive impact on the development of the market and the economy as a whole, "said Ilya Zhukovets, head of the marketing and commerce department of Kufar.
At the same time, as the expert notes, the potential of the small business segment is much higher: in the prosperous countries it is he who is the driver of the economy. Belarusian entrepreneurs are being hampered by a lack of understanding of legislation, lack of strategic planning and insufficient knowledge of online trading. The situation can improve educational initiatives, designed to help novice entrepreneurs understand the field of e-commerce.
"Only last year Belarusians spent about 360 million dollars on online shopping. To keep the business, entrepreneurs go online after consumers. We see this both by the way the online showcases are actively connected on our site and by the participants of the "Kufarization" project, which helped all comers to adapt their business to the realities of the digital economy, "the expert said.
More and more entrepreneurs began to create start-ups. Developed and new forms of business financing, such as croweding. "Belarusian entrepreneurs, especially young people, study Western trends and try to look to the future. Everyone understands: it's already inefficient to conduct business "in the old-fashioned way": if you do not change, you can lose your market share, "Ilya Zhukovets explained.
Another trend was the increase in the number of women among entrepreneurs. More and more girls want to open their own business instead of working for the company. "The activity of women in business is growing, and we see this both from the internal statistics of Kufar, and from the way girls actively participated in educational events," the site representative said.
The rating of enterprising regions is compiled by Kufar. The study uses the open data of Belstat, as well as the internal statistics of the announcement site. Among the main criteria for the analysis are data on the number of individual entrepreneurs per 1 thousand inhabitants in each region, the average annual revenue of entrepreneurs, the number of new registrations and the regional activity of entrepreneurs on the Internet.