The fact that the political prisoner Mikhail Zhamchuzhny is in the quarantine of the corrective colony No. 9 (Horki, Mahiloŭ region), Viciebsk human rights activists learned from the short letter they received the other day. This is the third corrective colony in which one has to serve a prisoner of conscience.
As the political prisoner writes, at the moment he is concerned about the results of two courts, which took place on July 10 in the Minsk regional court on a counterclaim to the head of corrective colony No 14 (Navasady, Minsk region). Zhamchuzhny in the statement of claim raised the question of the legality of his work, which organized the administration of the colony. According to the prisoner, the head of the corrective colony # 14 must answer before the law for compelling him to work in an enterprise of unknown form of ownership without charging a salary, without drawing up a statement, without a medical examination, without paying taxes to the insurance fund. Moreover, the consent of the pensioner Zhamchuzhny to the administration of this colony did not give consent to such a labor activity. "I wonder what happened on the ships?" The political prisoner asks the question and waits for rulings from the cassation instance.
"In a new place took kindly," – writes Zhamchuzhny about the next place serving the sentence. Like, they feed well: eat meat in the food, and give a really sweet tea. There are many trees and greenery on the territory of the colony. As they say, you can tolerably spend the remaining four years.
Nevertheless, Mikhail Igorevich is waiting for solidarity and support from everyone who cares about his fate. And, of course, waiting for letters with good news. He asks human rights activists to announce his postal address: Corrective colony No. 9, "Quarantine", vul. Dabralubava 16, 213410 Horki, Mahiloŭ Region.
Lyavon Efremenko