Viciebsk observer of the elections in the Parliament of Belarus rights activist Leonid Svetik could not obtain from the employees of the Central Election Commission of the country's inspection of the Belarusian Red Cross (BRC), namely, whether the organization uses foreign financial assistance, which receives, for the elections.
The grounds for doubting the legitimacy of human rights defenders in Bock actions were.
Firstly, on the organization's website lists international donors and partners that have provided and continue to provide it with financial, organizational and methodological assistance (for example, referred to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government of Japan, the European Commission and others.).
Second, as noted in his address to the CEC Leonid Svetik, according to official information, together with other NGOs in precinct election commissions included a large number of representatives of the BRC. Thus, only those of Viciebsk there are more than 200 people.
However, article 48 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus said: "Direct or indirect participation of foreign states and organizations, international organizations, organizations with foreign investments, foreign citizens and stateless persons in financing and other material assistance in the preparation and conduct of elections, referendum, recall of a deputy , a member of the Council of the Republic shall be prohibited."
For all these reasons, a human rights activist suggested that getting the financial, organizational and methodological assistance from foreign governments and international organizations, the BRC is dependent on them and through their representatives in the PECs can influence the results of the vote during the vote count, in order to please their sponsors . Moreover, among the Red Cross entered the PEC members of the Belarusian society is a person receiving a salary, which is based on the money all the same sponsors.
Money, office equipment and supplies to it, the company acquired at the expense of foreign aid – all this, according to Leonid Svetik, can be attributed to the indirect participation of foreign governments and international organizations in financing of elections of deputies of the National Assembly in the Republic of Belarus of the sixth convocation.
Based on these assumptions, the observer asked the CEC to verify the possible use of the Belarusian Red Cross foreign aid funds to the indirect financing of elections.
In response to the appeal of human rights defender CEC chairman Lidia Yermoshina flatly rejected all his arguments. She chided Leonid Svetsik that he had not brought specific facts that would indicate the use of Bock foreign financial assistance for the preparation and conduct of elections.
"You mentioned equipments and supplies used in its operations Bock, and not during the elections", – such a response came from the chairman of the Central Election Commission, according to which the observer's appeal is unfounded.
Leonid Svetik himself, commenting on the position of Lydia Yermoshina, doubted that the check has been carried out at all, because of her in his response the chairman of the CEC did not report. But just check the human rights activist, would be allowed to exclude every reason to suspect the Belarusian Red Cross to use foreign financial assistance in the framework of the election campaign.
"Since the test is not carried out, then have the right to exist, and the suspicion that through this public organization by foreign governments and international organizations committed funding for the preparation and conduct of elections", – the civil society activist said.