In July of last year Tatiana Smotkina was fined 4.5 million rubles under Article 22.9 of the Administrative Code: Hłybokaje District Court found her guilty of the illicit manufacture of media production and operation of a foreign publication without accreditation. Appeal against the judgment failed.
Tatiana Smotkina appealed the decision of the judge Lyudmila Vashenko in the higher courts, but to no avail. Last journalist appeal was sent to the Supreme Court, and from there she received a written refusal. The report "On consideration of the complaint," signed by the deputy chairman of the Supreme Court Aniskevich Ruslan said that the grounds for the annulment of the Hłybokaje District Court no. Allegations that Tatiana Smotkina is not the manufacturer of media products, the Supreme Court said "misunderstanding of the law." The letter also states that the complaint of the journalist about the violation of her rights to the collection and dissemination of information "not confirmed", and that the lack of accreditation as an employee of the foreign media "is the basis for recognition of activities for the production of messages and materials illegal."
The reason for the trial in the Hłybokaje District Court, which occurred on July 28 last year, was the material "in Hłybokaje Roads will be positive", which last year June 9 was published on the website "Belarusian Radio Racya". According to the court, the journalist has accreditation as a foreign correspondent and therefore violated the law on mass media in their professional activities. Tatiana Smotkina expressed its disagreement with the decision of the court, because he believes that, in accordance with the Constitution, every citizen has the right to receive information and share it with others.