"Sorry, wrong! Facing you, I have not turned! – So I wrote Vera Kutalova in his second letter to the House of Representatives Sergey Bohan. And she added in conclusion: – Please clarify what I blame for the Republic of Belarus, which the state has deprived me of the right to housing of social use. "
The author of these lines – an orphan, a child familiar with what it means to live within the walls of public institutions. From birth she was in a children's home in Hłybokaje, and then lived in Navapołacak state orphanage. After was a boarding school for orphans in Pastavy, further – vocational school in Viciebsk, where she studied, being on full state support.
Home Vera Kutalova work coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1991, she got a Viciebsk shoe factory "Red October", it settled in the hostel business. After some time, the decision of the general meeting of the trade union and the administration of the factory has taken on the account to improve housing conditions and, as an orphan, is listed on the extraordinary housing.
Ten years have passed – Vera Kutalova housing has not received. In 2001, she was transferred to work in the "Belwest." Here – the decision of administration and trade union committee for admission and registration statement in the waiting list for subsidized housing.
And after 5 years, in 2006, the trade union JV "Belwest" announced that in connection with the termination of housing construction it is necessary to move the queue to receive housing in Viciebsk city executive committee.
And Mrs. Vera appealed to the executive committee ... Officials of the state authorities informed her that at the time of treatment for registration in need of better housing conditions she was already more than 23 years – that is why, they say, the status of persons from the number of children left without care parents, she has not, and the reason to include it in the list is not favorable.
Due to the fact that more than 10 years, she lives in a dormitory, city council put a woman on the account in need of better housing conditions and proposed to improve living conditions through the construction of housing with a soft loan. "This proposal proved unacceptable to me – said Vera Kutalova. – For the construction of housing with the soft loan was necessary to make a considerable down payment for which I had no money, and no one to help me. "
"Thus, from birth is an orphan, he was entitled to the dwelling of social use in the place of my first job, registered for improvement of living conditions from the age of 20 and has been listed on the extraordinary reception of habitation as an orphan, but to now forced to fend temporary housing "– Vera Kutalova describes a situation in which turned out to be.
As a last resort she addressed members of parliament. It is believed that he – the chosen people's help: "By the will of fate has been deprived of parental warmth of the hearth, and now the state on behalf of the executive power has turned his back on me. I hope that you, as my representative in the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, does not begin to deal with paperwork and turn around to face me, and restore my right to housing of social use. "
We can not say that the deputy Sergei Bohan response did nothing. In a letter he reacted. After receiving it, he sent it to "where to apply." But it is unlikely it can be called using. Ms. Vera Hope to deputy were in vain: "The answer is an evasion went out of control Housing Policy Viciebsk city executive committee. This message has accused me of all sins: time has not appealed to the city council on the adoption of a statement on the account in need of housing as defined by the law. "
Vera Kutalova's case is not unique. As practice shows, the common man in our "socially oriented" states hope the government does not have. If the country were real elections, probably could have something to help man the deputies – and after the personal intervention in a particular situation, and after they initiated changes in the imperfect laws.
However, when the deputies of all levels of the power vertical is actually appointed, not elected by the people and their role in solving the problems of people is minimized. These "elected people" do not care about how to serve the people, and the fact that, first of all, like those who appointed them, and thus ensure their own well-being. And people began to realize that the deputies are not them. "It's good to deputies: they have a house in the constituency and the capital, even if a service!" – Says Vera Kutalova.
Kastus Dzvinski, Vitebsk Spring