Employees in Vitebsk broiler farm collected fifteen hundred signatures in support of the General Director Anna Shareyko, which is accused of "abuse of power".
- Tomorrow I'm going to a closed session in Minsk, I will be deprived of parliamentary immunity and the driver returns one. You just do not relax, work. Everything will be fine, the investigation will understand, and let me go - so August 13 Anna Shareyko, CEO of in Vitebsk broiler farm, Senator Council of the Republic said goodbye to the planning meeting with subordinates. August 14 after the session she was detained and taken to the detention center of Minsk.
In Belarus, stories, when Senator found himself under investigation, - units. And then there's the arrested leader of the team stood. In defense of Anna Vassilyevna subordinates gathered thousands of signatures and a half! Details of the high-profile case, investigators did not disclose, saying only that Anna Shareyko accused of "abuse of office".
"On the day of detention riot police cordoned off the factory with a gun"
On calendars employees who have decided to talk to a journalist, cross strikeout two dates: July 10 and 14 August.
- Detentions began at 7 am on July 10. Go to first deputy general director, chief financial officer, a lawyer, chief feed and most Ms. Anne came home, searched and detained. When we came to work, stood near the factory machine at the entrance and near the office - Riot police with guns. The whole day was searched, was seized documentation. Later drove Ms. Anna, well, what about August 14 you yourselves know - they say.
To the enterprise Anna Shareyko came thirty years ago.
- She made herself. Usually starts working in the shop of incubation. Her initiative, diligence soon noticed, and Anna V. started to move up the career ladder. When appointed head of the whole factory was in ruins, it can be said kneeling. We spent the night together here, the company raised gradually she led him into the lead. Now the production of "Hanna" known and loved by many. A few years ago we were given five ruined farms, so we have made ??the candy! - Say those who worked with the senator for all these years. - As the head of Anna V. demanding, never considered a personal time, all the power invested in the factory. It's no secret that his personal life was not. With her husband divorced her for a long time, no children.
On the leader is willing to talk for hours, "She was subordinate to three thousand people. Maybe all and could not please, because the descent would not let anyone, but most of the staff at her side. "
"Carcasses now little bird does not have time to gain weight because of the new food"
In the principal's office is now empty. Acting Vitebsk poultry farm Mirosh Victor, who previously headed the JSC "Poultry" town "" and was chairman of the district council Gorodoksky, works in the office of the deputy.
- We are all waiting for that return Ms. Anna, - said Victor Vikentievich.
Those professionals who are not under investigation, it is believed: CEO and her team have been imprisoned because of the tender for the supply of feed. In 2012, competed OOO "Russkom-R" (the official dealer of Riga fodder plant in Belarus) and JSC "Ecomol." Won the "Russkom-R", it the price per kilogram of premix (poultry feed) was 14,439 rubles, while the "Ecomol" - 13 484 investigation decided that the company's management has rejected a better offer and this has led to damage to the 4 billion rubles.
- It is necessary to look beyond the price of the product and its composition and the final result. If the goods are cheap, it does not mean that he is better. In our premix - 41% crude protein, a competition premix - 23%. Protein depends on the average daily gain of the birds. If the protein is small, it is necessary to buy more supplements, and this extra cost, - said the chief accountant of "Russkom-R" Larissa Komandyshko. - Let's count: price for 1% crude protein, we had 352.1 rubles, "Ecomol - 582.4. In June 2014, we won the next tender for the supply of feed, but now delivers a stern "Ecomol".
Ordinary employees shops at the entrance saying:
- Earlier in the 12-kilogram box we put 5 - 6 chickens, and now on 8 - 9 carcasses are small, 40 days from birth to slaughter, they do not have time to acquire the proper weight - tell the woman.
After the "Slavonic Bazaar" detained Riga City - Russian firm
- Indicators fell, and it's no secret. There can be many different reasons: weather, infection, as well as switching to a different food. Here are the numbers. In June, when the birds feed premix "Russkom-R", the average gain was 61.5 g, the safety of livestock - 97.2%. In August, after the transition to "Ecomol" growth rate dropped to 56.9 g, and the safety of livestock has fallen to 93.9%. According to the forecasts, in September, we will come to the same figures, - the expert of the company. - Officially profit poultry farm in July - 35 billion rubles, but there could be more. The bird gained weight, low levels premix little, we have to buy more overseas soy.
It turns out, in the morning on July 10, was detained not only poultry farm workers, but also the general director of "Russkom-R" Michael Razzhivin together with the founder of the company Valdemaras Norkus. All of them were in the cottage of Anne Shareyko. Valdemaras and Ms. Anna did not hide their relationship. Man accompanied by Senator New Year corporate party, went along with the staff on a tour of the factory in St. Petersburg.
Valdemaras founder of the company that supplied the premix to Vitebsk poultry farm. photo: social network
- Valdemaras lives in Lithuania, 20 years headed the company "Daymas", which is engaged in the supply of feed and which owns 100% of shares of "Russkom-R". So, he met Anna Vassilyevna. So what? He's a free man, it is a free woman. Shareyko lived work, everybody knows it, she would not risk career for love. In addition, the food on the Vitebsk poultry farm, we have supplied more than 10 years, and this was no questions. Now the investigation is dealing with deliveries in 2012 - 2013 years. But there was no one to check, no one said that we won the tender fair, - said the chief accountant of "Russkom-R" Larissa Komandyshko. - In July, the company celebrated the 20th anniversary, all employees have bought tickets for the "Slavic Bazaar". In Vitebsk came to our colleagues from Russia, Latvia. After the concert, they came to Shareyko to visit, and in the morning knock on the door by investigators.
Anna Shareyko and Valdemaras did not hide their romantic relationships. On New Year's corporate they came together
"They are trying to protect the honor of the uniform, so talk about the low rates"
As for the competitor "Russkom-R" - "Ecomol" belongs to a private company "Servolux", which became the owner of the Mogilev and Smolevichskaia broiler poultry farms, feed mill Krasnoznamensky, she also owns brands "Petrucha", "Brothers Grill."
- In the premix is not the main indicator of protein and trace elements, minerals and vitamins. As the filler, we use brans, where 15% of the protein. And the protein content in the premix does not affect the protein content in the finished product.
Talk about that at the poultry farm Vitebsk fell because we indicators - total nonsense. The reason could be the parameters of the microclimate, veterinary medicine, the human factor. Strange, but no one has any problems with our premix No indicators are good only in Vitebsk suddenly become bad. I believe, so they are trying to protect the honor of the uniform. We are ready to give our premix to any European laboratory. It is widely consumed in our holding "Brothers Grill" and "Petrucka" and Poultry "Druzhba" pig in the Brest region, and supplies are in Russia, - commented the director of "Ecomol" Alexander Bobkov.
In 2015, the factory will finish its own feed mill, and then buy premixes, no one would have.
Photo: Victor Gilitsky
By the way, Vitebsk poultry farm to early 2015, plans to complete its own feed mill, and then buy premixes, no one would have.