For the past six months, Vitebsk human rights activist Valery Misnikov leads battle with Vitebsk city and regional prosecutor's office in favor of independent journalists. And, we should say, until a negative result for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of independent media.
Easter unannounced visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Orsha all day paralyzed life of 150,000 city residents. On Sunday morning the central streets were closed to traffic, scurrying back and forth only machines GAI and intelligence personnel. At every intersection on duty police officers in uniform and plain clothes that do not produce cars of the courtyards. Pious believers grouped near the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary for a few hours before the arrival of the distinguished guest.
Visitors to the site, publishing news northern Belarus and Vilnius, were able to ask their questions to Tatiana Karatkevich. Communication took place in the form of an online conference. At an enlarged meeting of the Political Committee of the Party of the BPF with regional leaders of the party decided to support Mrs Karatkevich as a candidate for the presidency in 2015.
After an appeal to the Supreme Court human rights activist Paul Levinau succeeded in correcting deficiencies in the work of the courts Railway District of Vitebsk and Lepel District, Vitebsk region, which have resulted from the lack of control by the management of the courts of the activities of their subordinates and improper storage of property.
In Navapolatsk "discovered" kindergarten, which in reality does not work. According to social network users, parents of young children, their messages are inundated with journalists, kindergarten is not open to Novopolotsk children, and personally for Natalya Kachanova.
Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree on April 2, which has appointed new leaders of Internal Affairs of Minsk and Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee. According to the press service of the President, Major General Viktor Senko police released from the post of Chief of Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee and appointed head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee. In turn, major general of militia Igor Evseev released from the post of Chief of the Department of Internal Affairs of Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee and appointed head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk City Executive Committee.
In Vitebsk region to protect the frontiers insufficient effectiveness of national voluntary militia from the local population. This opinion was expressed by Chairman of the State Border Committee of Belarus Leonid Maltsev at a meeting of the Vitebsk region to implement the state border policy. "Security of the border – it's not just people in uniform. You must realize that by taking part in border security, protects every citizen in the first place, their interests, the right to life and health. If you omit the offending across the border and to keep silent about it, you can endanger themselves, their families. Therefore, the thesis of "the State border guards all the people" should be filled with concrete content, "– said Leonid Maltsev. The need to strengthen the work of all subjects pogranbezopasnosti with a population of border areas mentioned more than once at the national level. B ...
The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus has promised to consider the proposal of human rights activist Leonid Sviecik in finalizing the draft regulatory act aimed at the prevention of social dependency.
In the autumn of 2013 a native of Polotsk Vitaly Bartash was sent to military service in Borisov. Almost a year later he komissovali for health reasons, and in a couple of months officially established disability 3rd degree on sight. In the end, the guy had to have surgery on one eye, the second to be only a couple of years waiting for their turn.
In 2014, the list of cities with the largest emissions of pollutants into the air from stationary sources traditionally topped Navapolack (52,000 tons). Followed Minsk (23,000 tons), Hrodna (10,000 tons) and Novalukoml (8,000 tons).