Human rights activist Pavel Levinov received information that the Viciebsk regional court on September 22, 2017 was sentenced to death. It came into force on October 6, 2017. This verdict was not appealed or protested. The convicted person in the Viciebsk case is placed in the Detention Unit No. 1 in Minsk.
Up to now, human rights defenders have been aware of six citizens convicted to the death penalty, which are kept in SIZO No.1. Some of them unsuccessfully appealed the verdicts in the Supreme Court. This resident of Mazyr Kirill Kazachok, who killed two of his own children in the winter of 2016, Ales Mikhalenya, a resident of Naroŭla, who was repeatedly convicted in March 2016, killed his retired neighbors. Two more – Igor Gershankov and Semyon Berezhnoy – figurants of the loud case of "black realtors", who committed murders in order to take possession of the houses of the victims.
And this year the Minsk City Court issued two death sentences to Minsk residents Alexander Zhylnikov and Vyacheslav Sukharko for the murder of a young couple in Minsk and men in Kolodishchy. At first they were sentenced to life imprisonment, but the Supreme Court returned the case for revision. Now they have the right to file a complaint with the Supreme Court of Belarus.
According to spring96.org