Alexey Miliukov, son of a prominent blogger Oleg Zhelnov from Babrujsk, since 2014 serving a sentence of restraint of liberty. At first he was sent to Homiel, and in August 2015 moved to Navapołacak correctional facility of open type number 15. Now Navapołacak City Court decided to send him to a closed prison.
The prison administration has accused Alexei evading punishment. Navapołacak Court pleaded guilty Milyukov (Zhelnov). Judge Peter Levchenok, the chairman of the court ordered his transfer to prison for 1 year.
At the court Miliukov were charged with violation of the detention regime. Convicted in July 2014 to 3 years of imprisonment, Alexei Miliukov during his stay in the prison open type had 8 penalties. The reasons were, for example, late payment hostel, unmade bed, careless operation, lack of initiative. However, according to lawyer Pyotr Biryukov called reason not to testify about evading punishment, what Miliukov accused.
As a rule, under Article 415 of the Criminal Code, according to which rendered a verdict Alexei, judge those who are trying to escape or abuse alcohol. The prosecutor demanded to condemn Alexey Milyukov to three years in prison. This is the maximum punishment under this article. But the judge's decision Miliukov was sentenced to transfer to prison for one year – as much as he had to serve in the correctional facility of open type.
The father of the convicted person, Oleg Zhelnov, said the verdict unjust, and associates it with his public activity, in particular with the deployment of network video shot them with fixed violations committed Babrujsk policemen.
As suggested by Oleg Zhelnov, for the same reason his son was convicted in 2014. Then Alexey Milyukov punished not only the restraint of liberty for 3 years and a fine of 50 million rubles (5 000 new). The reason for attracting Milyukov criminal responsibility has become an event that occurred in the fall of 2013. Oleg Zhelnov videotaped machine, which, according to him, was improperly parked near the building of the Babrujsk traffic police, and drew attention to the fact that the police officers. However, according to Mr. Zhelnov, police charged him with his son in that they interfere with work, and the use of force was dragged to the police station. With respect to Alexei Miliukov brought a criminal case for the fact that he was allegedly hit on the head with a police captain Alexander Butovo, which led to the recent shake the brain. In July 2014 a trial was held, in which Milyukov found guilty.
Kateryna Zagorskaya