Holding "Velikiye Luki meat plant" (VLMK) intends to enter the top three leaders of the Russian pork production. To do this, the company is implementing in Nevel and Usvyatsky areas Pskov region bordering Gorodok district, four pig complex on 450 thousand heads each. One is already in Nevel area, it contains 260 thousand pigs, built in the second Usvyatsky area.
The company " Velikiye Luki meat plant" looking for land for the placement of two other production sites. In April pig complex power reaches one million heads, and even after 2 years - 2 million heads. Thus, VLMK may well compete with the Russian leader pork market - the group "Miratorg", taking 10% of the market. Building pig clusters with a capacity of two million pigs in the absence of an independent environmental review now, when you enter the first stage of 260 thousand heads, creates many of the environmental problems of the disaster area.
Implementation of the whole project threatens global environmental problems as Lovat River basin and basin Dvina. We bring to your attention an article about the problems of Russian ecologists pig farms for the ecology of the region, as well as links to other articles on the topic VLMK pig farms south of the Pskov region, bordering the Vitebsk region.
Danish pig under Nevel
One of the world's major producers of pork - Denmark - refuses to build farms in their territory. Devastating impact on the environment pork realized emissions and other countries. In which introduced very stringent environmental requirements for the production of pork. Favorable conditions for the life of the people here have obvious priority over the interests of business.
Article 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "Everyone has the right to a favorable environment, reliable information about its condition and compensation for damage caused to his health or property of an environmental offense."
Nevel district does not offer!
Pskov Oblast Administration wanted to spit on the nature and the 42nd article of the Russian Constitution. The local governor without hesitation agreed to the construction of mega pig "Velikoluksky". Eyewash hastily conducted environmental assessment of the project. And so, very close to the famous blue lakes Nevelschiny pig appeared and lagoon -settlers. By order of the governor's request and businessmen.
Danish sows promised to achieve rapid economic well-being. That's why so restrained Nevelskaya chiefs and deputies strangled the idea of development of ecological tourism.
Where previously smelled grass and forest, today compresses from bad breath ammonia. By roadside ditches drain waste products of pigs. Powerful cars destroyed district dirt roads. Once the cleanest corner of Russia is killed by thousands of tons of pig feces.
Expert opinion:
Pig manure is deadly nature. Industrial pig waste as fertilizer can not be used - they contain up to 400 hazardous substances: heavy metals, antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, comb worms, viruses and pathogenic microbes, germs swine fever, salmonella, foot and mouth disease.
24 for the manure lagoons of pig farm Velikoluksky slaughterhouse became the most ambitious in the history of environmental threat Nevelsky district. And they will be almost two!
● microorganism Pfisteria piscicida experts call "germ from hell!" This bacterium, getting the pigs manure lagoons in ponds, causes the death of billions of fish annually. People he threatens severe diseases of the lungs and brain.
Locals are full of despair - sell your house or land is impossible today. " Nevel district not to offer " - such ads enough in advertising.
District head Vashenko publicly hammered the last nail in the coffin of environmental wellbeing edge " Nevelschina ceased to be ecological jewel of the Pskov region."
Show locals: " At nine o'clock in the evening on the farm doing ventilation. Stink for miles covers all around. Withstand this difficult. Especially the elderly and children. Population is the time to pull the masks. When built, promised mountains of gold, and now it became impossible to live here. "
Three million tons of poison
Public and environmentalists desperately knocking in all instances, "capacity of wastewater treatment facilities and equipment for the processing of pork emissions sorely lacking! All dung "good" falls out on the field! Take action!" But the critical environmental situation in the area Nevel not care nor the governor nor the owners of the swine business.
● Half a million pigs per year produce a half million tons of manure! The swine million in one year can " civilize " the land of three million Nevelskaya aggressive poison!
● At the pig farm of Smithfield in the U.S. state of Utah contains 850,000 pigs. They produce more feces than metropolis of New York with its more than 8 million people.
For the production of pig manure complex "Velikoluksky" puts dangerous records. But the governor asks Turchak not worry about the flora and fauna of the area.
But worry not, and very good! According to the norms of 50 cubes swine waste requires 1 hectare of arable fields. Complex daily produces 550 cubic meters of faeces. For processing this amount of manure is necessary 11,000 hectares of arable fields. But the complex has only 5500 hectares. As a result, the "norm" of pig feces scattered Nevelskoj land far exceeds the critical value.
According to the newspaper "Pskov truth", in July 2013, the Pskov governor about this much angry at svinopromyshlennikov: "If someone you substitutes, then this one. And if this is your manure, you need to clean up. I have not a tear... "
But did not keep his word Andrey, tears. Ecological chaos continues...
Facts and Figures:
● 200 tons of pig manure per hectare kill vegetation and increase the content of heavy metals in the ground up to 8 MAC.
● In the Far East there is the same as that in Nevel: Chinese breeders "kill" thousands of hectares of land, making for decades lifeless rivers and lakes!
● In the Kirov region pig waste belonging agrofirm " Daronichy " killed fish in the river Bahtinka.
● In the Nevel area in the village center Senyutino discovered African swine. All livestock within 20 kilometers be destroyed. The territory of the pig farm was not included in the radius of the spread of disease.
Gain more nature
Swine business owners shouting "God is with her, with the environment! But the district will gain an economic engine."
What about the engine is a myth! Here are the numbers. In 2012, the budget of the region received 25 million rubles in taxes from the pig farm. This is 10 times less than the district budget! Where is the promised fabulous tax revenues? Instead of them - a tiny scale compensation for environmental damage. For the deprivation of the district population constitutional right to live in a healthy environment.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Board of Directors Velikoluksky slaughterhouse Vladimir Basement threatens soon increase the number of commercial pigs to one million! So, three million tons of pork emissions can lie on the field area...
It is difficult to imagine the consequences of future manure "offensive" to the south of the Pskov region...
August 19, 2013 high officials inspect helicopter Nevel area. Seen was very pleased with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Yuriev. It was so struck by the enormity of the project, which he enthusiastically said: " These investors need to cherish, to caress and carry on his hands! "
Opportune moment took Deputy Governor Sergei Pernik. He asked to allocate money from the center of the construction of the recycling plant. That was promised him. In what year will be commissioned this plant - only God knows. But one thing is clear: it is time for the millions of tons of pig feces will vigorously poison the land, water and air of Nevelschina.
According to haradok.info