The proportion of shares of JSC "Vitebsk Fruit and Vegetable Enterprise" transferred from the regional to the republican property. This decision was made the Council of Ministers № 73 of 27 January 2014, published by the National Legal Internet Portal.
"Accept donated to February 1, 2014 from the property of the Vitebsk region in the republican ownership 875,355 shares of "Vitebsk Fruit and Vegetable Enterprise" nominal value of 22 rubles to the total amount of 19,257,810,000 rubles," - the document says.
Vitebsk Fruit and Vegetable Enterprise was founded in May 1993, a joint stock company in 2008. 99% owned by the state, 1% - to individuals. Has its own raw material area - private agricultural unitary enterprise "Radunskae", which grows vegetables and apples, and there are three farms. On the brain and the agricultural sector employs 600 people. The plant produces baby food (90% of total production) and canned food of general purpose (10%). Baby food is available under the trademarks "Novka" and "DeTTka".