During the first 9 months of this year 375 unemployed (– 388 for the same period last year) was officially registered in the Haradok district. During this time, the work found 273 residents of the area. Such data are the Employment Service in the region.
As of early October registered unemployment consisted of 85 people, of which 46-minute paid the corresponding aid. It should be noted that according to Art. 24 of the Law "On Employment" in the manual may be refused in certain cases. For example, if the employment contract is concluded for an indefinite period, it ceases to be effective on their own, with the agreement of the parties or on the grounds of claims. 4, 5, 7-9 Art. 42, n. 5, Art. 44 and Art. 47 of Labor Code. Also in the payment may be denied if the person dismissed (expelled), because he had violated military (training) discipline; if he lost a source of profit due to the illegal actions; if they have been submitted income declarations.
In general, the amount of payments for September, unemployment was 1138 rubles. The size of individual support ranges from 1 to the base 2, i.e. from 21 to 42 rubles. The amounts are small, but in order to get them, the unemployed must fulfill the norm on public works. In accordance with the decision of the executive committee norm today – at least 3 days per month.
With regard to vacancies in the Haradok district, then, according to the executive committee website 81 space was registered on 3 November. Find a job in the district center are 38 people, for the rest offered a job in rural areas. Updating the database of vacancies is every day.
If we talk about the reasons for which the unemployed can not possibly get, is among the most often indicates the following: the work is too far from the residence and inappropriate level of vocational education. According to the executive committee, only 9% of the registered unemployed in the region have higher education, 21% – secondary special education, 35% – proftehnicheskoe, and another 35% only secondary or basic general education.
Elizabeth Zolotnova