Prosecution authorities Viciebsk region take measures to stop the facts of late payment of the employee's salary. For wage arrears prosecutors brought to administrative liability 250 officials.
According to statistics, as of September 1, 2016 wage arrears had more than 100 organizations of the Viciebsk region.
"In the first nine months of this year, prosecutors of cities and districts, the Viciebsk and Orsha transport prosecutors made 51 representation, issued 124 prescription officially announced 34 warnings on the consideration of Ministers of the prosecutor's supervision for 84 disciplinary proceedings were brought", – Told the Prosecutor General's Office. In addition, municipal and district prosecutors resolutions on administrative violation cases 250 officials were brought to administrative liability for failure to pay timely wages of the employee.
During the execution of an order the debt repaid in the amount of more than 764 thousand rubles. On the facts of violation of the legislation on work identified during the consideration of citizens' appeals, prosecutors are taking the necessary response measures in order to eliminate the violations, the causes and conditions that contribute to them.
Prosecution response measures helped to reduce the number of late payment of wages of the facts, said the prosecutor's office.
According to sputnik.by