A member of the United Civil Party Iryna Yaskevich collected signatures necessary for its registration as a candidate for deputy, near Viciebsk shopping center "Evikom". Support your fellow fighter came to the picket and the members of her initiative group.
The initiative group Irina Yaskevich 16 people. Among them is the chairman of the United Civil Party Anatol Lyabedzka, who had promised to come to one of the pickets and take part in the campaign. Basically it is the entrepreneurs, none of the party members in the organization of pickets is not involved.
One of the collectors of signatures Irina Yaskevich team shared their first impressions from every apartment bypass high-rise buildings:
– While people are very friendly, but for a party like the UCP cannot say anything. They do not know about it, and proposals to reform the economy. The party affiliation of the candidate for deputy does not play a determining role for them. But citizens react positively to the fact that Ms. Irina – entrepreneur.
Most people are afraid of losing their jobs, be in a position of self-employment, ie in the position in which we are entrepreneurs. Today, our individual entrepreneur – a person who provides work for themselves, thinking about their own survival and the survival of their family.
Share your thoughts and Mrs. Irina:
– Everyone understands that changes are needed, but not everyone knows what to offer people. Our party has proposed the idea of "a million new jobs." And if recently the idea was perceived as something unreal, today we learn through it. Another brand of our party was the idea of "saving the best and build new." Nobody is going to ruin sustainable and leave no stone unturned. We stand for creative work, for the free economic relations, for the entrepreneurial initiative.
Yes, we asked where it should appear a million jobs. And we explain to people that they will appear in the course of systemic reforms. Without systemic reforms, for which the authorities, unfortunately, does not go, do not appear even those 50 thousand new jobs promised by order of Lukashenka and his government. Only a consolidated effort of the whole society and reforming the economy are able to change our lives for the better. These jobs will appear only when the authorities stop "terrorizing" business and the entrepreneur himself will decide what he will do and how much it needs to wage workers.
Today we see that businesses close, entrepreneurs are forced to go out of business – and this is the path to a dead end. Therefore, we offer a civilized way – reforms.
It is fair to say that in the short time of my presence at the picket, the citizens of little interest to the events did not show, though, and displayed a certain curiosity. Realizing the foregone conclusion of the current election campaign, most voters, unfortunately, eliminate manifestations of civil activity.

S. Horki