At the end of the branch Hłybokaje ICC “Brasłaŭryba” again got into a difficult situation. Oiled machine production and sales has failed.
From the Department of Veterinary and Food Control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Belarus received a message that the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Russian Federation suspends for enterprise product certification for export to the Russian Federation. The reason is that “Brasłaŭryba” Rosselkhoznadzor has not held elective office. To resume supplies to Russia offered to make it up to February 1, 2016.
One cannot say that for the team, which is more than half of its production is exported, the news was a bolt from the blue. The management and engineering staff to monitor trends in the food market, know that the quality requirements are constantly being tightened, and responsive to the introduction of new rules. However, they admit not have time to do all the time. As a result, we were forced to reduce production volumes to 180 tons per month to 150 tons, the search for new sources to increase its sales in the domestic market. This led to a chain of other losses: increased production costs, reduced income.
True, according to a leading economist Joan Naumov, the company can provide an increase in output compared to last year by nearly 19%. Marketing service has concluded agreements for the supply of products Belkoopvneshtorgom "Eurotorg", with major metropolitan commercial networks as "BelVillesden" and "Belinterproduct", "Rublevsky," delivers more than 200 cans of small shops of the country. And applications are great, "Eurotorg", for example, ordered to urgently ship about 150 thousand cans of "Sprat".
But there is no dashing good. The temporary ban on the import of products in Russia has stimulated team for a speedy completion of the factory for the accreditation of laboratories, minor repairs – this will be done, as the head of production laboratory Tatiana Shepelyuk, later this month.
In addition, experts are convinced that they will be easier to inspect than had the same now, as most of the shortcomings in respect of which he made the comments at the factory no. Here, each batch of raw material to be processed, verified by accredited laboratories of the Republic of Belarus to meet the requirements of one of the Customs Union, at the plant inlet and tight process control over the quality of raw materials and finished products.