The worsening economic situation in the country is reflected in all categories of the population. How does this negative process has affected small businesses, our correspondent decided to ask the sellers operating on the Połacki market in Viciebsk.
Salesman: Well, you say? I trade seasonal goods. Previously it was? First buyers bought a jacket from my neighbor on the other hand, and then came for my sweaters. Now this is not. They do not buy any jackets or my belongings. When compared to the previous year, then our revenues were five times higher, and now there is almost no revenue.
And after the New Year will have all closed. Tax services require on the label were given certain information. I, for one, I drive my stuff from Moscow, with the firm that sews these sweaters. The label has a bar code, other information relating to the goods: the size, composition, but no address of the legal entity. And for that, from 1 January – 36 million fine. It affects the way that manufacturers have specified the address, I can not.
In Russia, for example, there is a simplified form of the report for the individual entrepreneur. They have a variety of benefits. They are possible, we – can not. But when on the product label any "Čaraŭnica" or "Śvitanak" does not contain all the information that is required of us – it does not matter. That such approaches.
And if you understand – why should they? Government is another. Above us laugh is not only the Russians themselves had a laugh: We already pineapples from Belarus went to the Russian market, Belarusian kiwi... Absurd some! But look on the other side: in the summer is usually arrive in Viciebsk traders from Turkmenistan – it is isolated in the area "Europe", in the "Pyramid". Trading without certificates, without documents, but not for "so" it occurs.
Saleswoman: Nobody buys. Give people money – then they will come and buy. People have no money is elementary: in the first place are now products, rags already then, wears old. There are the old, but we did not go. The last three weeks really does. Work is not given, it will be necessary to issue the documents. For what? How to work – I do not know. Sellers will have to be closed, and where the people go? Under the bridge? The situation we have desperate. My sister works at the enterprise: receives two million. His salary, it divides into three parts: to pay the rent, food and medicine. What it will go for us?
Salesman: Commercial – no: sold – eaten. Compared with the period last year, revenues decreased by more than half. And given the fact that now the season for the implementation, the situation is even worse than I said. We can not go as often item as before. We can not pay attention to the market conditions. By purchasing the goods, we take the documentation that gives us the manufacturer, and to make some changes which we are required to regulatory authorities, we can not. I believe that is the right producer, it should not be our headache, but in the end we will have to respond. It should not be. In addition, for all those papers would have to pay. And they need a lot of time drawing. If you do, we have to do, in fact we will not have time to engage in trade. Brad some turns.
In addition, it is felt that the purchasing power of the population has decreased dramatically. People have no money: they ask about the prices and go. Now the season: the trade should go very active, but that was before, no. Earnings decreased significantly. We used to buy a new item every week, taking into account sizes and models. Now, even if you want drop off any size or color, then there is no money. No trade – no opportunity to improve the product range. It is a vicious circle. We live for today and the future try not to think.
Saleswoman: There is no trade. There is nothing to talk about. People do not have money corny. Today, nothing at all sold. Absolutely. It's good when a week a couple of items you sell. Full stupor, and then, as we believe, will be even worse.
Salesman: Roughly speaking, there is no trade, we stand for nothing. Buyers are suitable, asking price and go. And we, you know, taxes are! We do not raise our prices because we see the situation in which people earn money. My son is working as an intern gets two and a half million. How to live? They say the workers have good earnings – I do not know those people. Therefore, our revenue dropped eighty percent. Feel free to talk to. Barely make ends meet vaults. If, after the New Year will require work on the documents, I will not run. The worst thing: we still can not show the form of the documents that we are required, and can not talk about a specific algorithm of our actions in the new conditions. I do not know...
Saleswoman: What trade then? In seventy percent of sales decreased. If the tax authorities do not know what we need them to produce documents from which we should know? This is one. And the second – this is the finished product, it has passed all the necessary examinations, including for compliance with hygiene standards, why duplicate? Why our services require passing the second test? In order for us to feed them? In the same way it is written: "re" confirm the high quality of the goods. Why the dubbing? Let them do just what you need.
Saleswoman: In January this year, I was in Europe. Then again it was in April. I want to tell you that we do not need to take offense at the way we live. Europe does not live better than we do. Absolutely. The only point is that the inhabitants of each country, their mentality and their attitude to the way they live. Europeans are suited to this way: he earned for it and live. And we do not want to make, and to live as live those we envy. No, I'm sorry, dear! In order to live, to work!
With regard to trade, I want to tell you the following: people simply changed priorities. Therefore, the volume of trade and reducing. In the past, when we have not seen anything better, we took the money, ran to the market and buy ten dresses, coats ten ... This is not so. We have other priorities: we want to ride on the beautiful cars, travel, build apartments ... So, a woman no longer afford to buy another fashionable dress and save – and will get a nice car. See how we have increased the number of travelers! I say to myself: when I go to Europe, I want to see something new. My priorities have changed. Naturally, the trade decreased somewhat. I do not believe that the people have no money! And I did not want to listen. No, people have money!
I myself is an economist by training. I got an apartment in 42 years, and now they have an apartment in 26 years. But they have big loans: five million. This is big money. What is the purchase on the market? And you want to say that we live badly? What the young man now receives less than five million rubles? And you try to make these five million in the West! They are sitting in a cafe drinking a cup of coffee, talk, cute smile – peaceful life ... Their breakfast is a croissant with coffee! That's all! How to eat breakfast our people? I'm happy with my country.
Salesman: "There is no one to sell, even though the purchasing power of the population is very high. Salaries are becoming higher and higher. And it's true! That's what I hear every day in the news. "Well, what could we still say in this style? – "A good trade, a lot of people – can see for yourself."
And about what previous voiced woman if people build a house, and therefore do not buy on the market – a worker is now able to build an apartment? I really like the expression: "It is easier to win than to buy." We hope for a better future: to increase income from next year on tax cuts from the government...
S. Horki