In early November last year, near the historical, cultural and architectural monuments of Polotsk were installed signs with a brief description of monuments. There was such and "Boris stone", located on the hill next to the Hagia Sophia. However, given on the information it contains a number of inaccuracies.
This was told by the historian Igor flooded, ""Do not believe your eyes" - the words of the famous aphorism Prutkov any memory when viewed "Boris stone" - a monument monumental epigraphy Belarus the first half of the XII century, which stood at the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk. Still believed that the cross embossed on its surface in the old days - four-point. However, in the accompanying text information on a plate next to the stone, in spite of the obvious, it is argued that it is a six-pointed. Carefully examined again the original image on the stone - cross, four-standing basis for three-stage foot - Calvary. I read on the record - "six-pointed".
Without removing long since worn glasses, I read further and was surprised to learn that, according to the compilers of the text, the village Podkosteltsy in which lay many centuries this stone is located on the right bank of the Western Dvina. I look to the west of the river, and with relief saw that village Podkosteltsy, even after becoming a part of Novopolotsk, remained at its original place - on the south, the left bank of the Western Dvina River.
Further in the text we learn that the rock of the stone - "feldspar". However, in 1981, before lifting the stone riverbed, I was requested to determine the geology of the stone in the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics, Byelorussian Academy of Sciences, to the Director of Radzim Gavrilovic Goretsky. In response to a request, signed by a senior engineer of the institute Vinokourov VF and junior researcher RESC EP, rock stone is referred to as "rapakivi granite", which in Finnish means "rotten stone". Bedrock of this breed - Vyborg array north of the Leningrad region. This document should be stored in the archive GPIKZ. A feldspar is only one component of mica, quartz, hornblende, and other components, which eventually form a rock of granite.

Reading the text of the plate with surprise think - really stay Borisov stone in the Upper Castle has played a trick on him - turned him from a granite rapakivi in feldspar, and four-cross in the "six-pointed"? "