European club on the street Senno arranged another interesting idea for those interested in Vitebsk residents. Now it was the performance of the Minsk Theatre of Sir Skirgaylo Palyanetski-Mackiewicz. Actually most performance was preceded by a thorough two-hour lecture on the history Batleyka, techniques of manipulation of our consciousness, and also the most common errors in the manufacture of their own batleek and dolls for them.
The attention of the audience and charming doll box, where they come to life, are actually a work of art, made according to the canons of our ancestors who, according to the author, were creative and talented people, and not crudely primitive. Impressive elegance small pieces of King Herod, Guardian, soothsayers and other canonical characters that played a very modernized version batleechnogo action.
Despite a certain slowness of spectacle, and the audience enjoyed the sharp jokes, and from a very expressive prologue and epilogue with Bear and the Dragon - Doudar that breathed fire. And, of course, from the violinist that all the action is accompanied by music: it is sublime, the achingly tender, then ironic.
And during action May evening on the street stopped to smell Senno street "communal smells" and suddenly enveloped the audience a unique flavor of wormwood.
The only pity is that the audience for such a wonderful presentation had met a lot: to find a club without European navigator is not so simple. A more convenient platform of King Herod with a recognizable accent in every Belarusian Vitebsk not allowed yet.