In ancient Polotsk from 23 to 25 May, a festival of medieval culture "Rubon". The event was held at the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral, entrance to the festival cost $3.00 in Belarusian equivalent. The main events of the festival took place on Saturday: tournaments, contests, concerts, theatrical performances. On Sunday, the last day of celebrations, people around Sofiika was quite a bit: was hot, and many hid in the shadow.
The cost of passage on the feast of thirty thousand rubles reduced the number of people wishing to visit the festival performances. However, indigenous Polotsk residents who know every stitch in the old town could be held during the festival secret paths.
On the feast came many young people. Children was interesting to see the theatrical assault on the wooden castle, built on the bank of the Dvina, wander through the camp dispensation of medieval knights, archery. Weary knights, returning to the camp after the storming of the castle, looked susceptible on the background of the ancient St. Sophia Cathedral.
On the reverse side of the cathedral was set stage area, where the concerts of medieval music. On Friday evening, the festival opens with a performance group "Stary Olsa", "Auli", "Spiritual Seasons".
Festival of medieval culture in Polotsk held since 2008. This time the festival was attended by dozens of historical reconstruction clubs from different cities of Belarus and abroad. The festival organizers believe that he has already reached the European level of the holiday.

Alexander Morozov