In the cultural and religious center of Vitebsk Merciful Jesus parish under the patronage of the abbot. Adam Dynok hosted an evening dedicated to the native language and some aspects of its existence in society and the church in the language situation of bilingualism. On language as a special body capable rally or, conversely, to disconnect people on the existence of the Belarusian language in different periods of its development, the current level of demand during the event reasoned people of different professions, ages, religions.
With interest were met listeners evidence and reflections on his way to the language as a means of communication and self-identification of the bishop of Vitebsk Oleg Boutkevitch, teacher Nelly Zaitseva, lecturer of University of Technology Viktor Hadanenok, journalist Theodore Shkirando, etc.
A separate page in the script was a discussion about the event such a phenomenon as the Belarusian-Polish language communication in the modern church. Noted the positive role played by many priests and nuns of Polish origin, who actively contributed to the continuous introduction of the Belarusian language in religious life in the diocese and across the country.
Not without literary works. With their own works introduced participants pm - known poet and translator, humorist and poet Mikhail Myronovych Tatiana Dubovskaja verses Belarusian and Polish authors read student Roman Kalugin and listener Polish language courses, the winner of many competitions reciters Ian Lett.
Host of the evening Franz Sivko told about Belarusian Catholic publications "Nasza Viera", "Ave Maria", "Katalіckija Naviny", announced literature that can help in the study of the native language, mastering the nuances contribute to its grammatical and lexical structure.
Participants in the evening held a minute of silence in memory of national poet of Belarus, a member of the church, a prominent citizen and creator Ryhor Baradulin.