Widely announced free courses for everyone "Viciebsk: the real and popular history of his native city" started its work on September 13, the German hall of the regional library with the theme "Viciebsk before-urban" ("Viciebsk Baltic").
They built this project the Department of History of the Peter Masherov University, Viciebsk Regional Library, the club of historical reconstruction «Vargentorn» and Viciebsk city portal. The fact that the need to expand the historical knowledge of their ancient city in Viciebsk residents there, clearly confirmed over one hundred visitors who not only sat on chairs, but also crowded in the aisles, as availability is clearly not enough.
Foreword hostess Tatiana Nikolaevna Adamyan library was short. She quickly handed over the reins to one of the main organizers and ringleaders lectures, historian and also Chief Specialist of the ideology of management culture, Culture and Youth Affairs Executive Committee Denis Yurchak that further and bosses at the event.
Head of the Department of History of VSU Anatoly Dulov, noting the high level of education of its employees, at the same time invited to actively participate in the project of all stakeholders who have something to say about the history of Viciebsk. Continued his speech touched a historic area as a source. And then finally it was time for the most claimed a lecture read Denis Yurchak.
As the history of Rome began with the settlement of the Palatine, the first of the seven hills on which stands the city; and the settlement of the territory, where in the future there will Viciebsk, began the mountain Łamicha on which the Baltics established their settlement. The mountain itself lasted until the late 19th century in the city center. This is a symbolic place is localized where once were the princely chamber, and is now in Viciebsk Art Museum and the building of the city executive committee. How could look mountain Łamicha and Baltic settlement on it, could be seen on the reconstruction of the Viciebsk artist Igor Durov and 3-D reconstruction made by the students of the Faculty of Mathematics.
According to Denis Yurchak, unfortunately, a clear answer to the question, when the first inhabitants on the mountain Łamicha yet, because after Alexey Sapunov normal archaeological excavations there is nobody spent. However, most researchers agree that the first people who settled in the mountain, were the ancient Baltics Dniapro-Dźvina archaeological culture.
More details on the features of the Dniapro-Dźvina culture stopped next speaker – the vice-mayor, a historian Peter Podgurskiy, who once participated in the excavation of more than one Dniapro-Dźvina fortress. He spoke in some detail about the modern methods of research of past epochs, which allow us to study not only the ceramic, bone or metal artifacts, but also to learn about the climate, life, flora and fauna of antiquity. By the way, the audience quite favorably met former archaeologist and applause returned thanks for the informative presentation.
The head of the club of historical reconstruction «Vargentorn» introduced his colleague Eugene Yelensky that on the basis of archaeological artifacts recovered from Latgale male headdress of ancient States. According to Sergey Babenko, "representatives of the club, making its reconstruction is not going to convince you that so looked all Baltics, but say – so look Baltic of burial in a particular area."
Eugene Yelensky spoke about clothing items, leather, metal, fur decorations, a firearm. Next it was presented to the appropriate costume Baltic women the same time. What is interesting, as the Baltic men and Baltic women liked to wear a lot of different ornaments, among which, however, was no place for silverware.
Finally, farewell to the audience, Denis Yurchak invited Viciebsk residents to the next lecture to be held on September 29th and will be dedicated to the legendary founder of Viciebsk Princess Olga. In the future it is supposed to hold classes every second and fourth Thursday of the month.

S. Horki