December 10 in several cities Public Viciebsk was organized jointly by viewing the solemn ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize. The first of its award-winning – Russian writer.
Organized views broadcast took place in Viciebsk "European club" art space "Tolstoy, 7" and art-pub "Torvald." In conditions where state TV crew abandoned the live broadcast of this landmark event for the Belarusian literature, such as cultural events it became a kind of public response, an act of moral resistance completely unnatural behavior of the authorities. Behavior that is, if you look at it through the prism of the current Nobel laureate, fully comply with the consciousness of the "red man" post-Soviet space. "Red Man" does not want to leave it for someone else's reality or abandon Yermoshina, preventing the movement of society forward, but not knowing it and feeling out of it any suffering.
Belarusian-language TV channel "Belsat" broadcasting from Poland, was the only national channel that organized the broadcast of the ceremony, held at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Because of this, anyone who is connected to the "Belsat" via satellite or the Internet, could observe how The Belarusian Svetlana Aleksievich received her award from the Swedish king.
I think at this moment not only visitor comments "European club" applauded – such applause sounded throughout Belarus. And they sounded like a hope for change, as with the emphasis on the problem of the existence of "red man" was launched and the mechanism of denial of the Belarusian nation of its anti-human essence. Essence, which was not only the causes of slaughterhouses and endlessly self-destruction of the 20th century, but also the conflicts that occurred in the first fifteen years of the 21st century.
As a chronicler of the era of "red man" Svetlana Aleksievich priobschials willy-nilly to the statement of naturalness his departure from the historical arena, for which he received the current Nobel Prize in literature.
Congratulations to Svetlana Aleksievich, congratulate each other!
S. Horki