The cultural event dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the author of the famous polonaise "Farewell to Motherland", began last Saturday night in several halls of the art space "Tolstoy-7". Viciebsk became the second city after the capital, which has welcomed the project-ordination Michael Cleophas Oginski "250".
As he said in his speech opening the exhibition, the museum researcher "Viciebsk Center for Contemporary Art" Vladimir Bulavsky project is a sort of syncretism of various forms of contemporary art: film, photography, music, sculpture and a special website.
Project Manager Olga Mzhelskaya liked the playground, where the Viciebsk exhibition: the exhibition was held in Minsk in the interiors of industrial premises – cardinal difference. The idea was that the different authors had to show their attitude to life and work of Michael Cleophas Oginski – politicians, musicians, a man who lived in a particular historical epoch.
Producer Andrew Isachenko noted that in Viciebsk of the five components of the project are two more fully: photo and sculpture. He also invited those present to go to a special website where the authors have placed all the information that was able to find the famous activist ON (music, memoirs in different languages, etc.). Mr. Isachenko noted that the participants of the project required a certain emotional outburst, expressed through art in the study of materials on Oginski. For example, the sculpture – it is rather an art project and not something specific, tied to the identity of Oginski.
After listening to the speakers, the audience went through the halls in search of reciprocal emotions, scattered pictures of his black-and-white paintings.

S. Horki