Perhaps there is no resident of Viciebsk, who has not seen the graffiti in the street performance art group StreetSkills, from time to time appear on the walls of buildings in the city. Pay attention to these works of art and human rights activist Leonid Svetik. According to him, the desire of young artists to decorate the urban landscape is welcome, but the content of the graffiti is a concern – and this he wrote in the ideological department of the executive committee.
"Some of the images on the walls are strange or even alien to the modern Belarusian city Viciebsk which is – a human rights activist wrote to the executive committee. – Images cinematic "kings" and "hooligans" just do not have the right to be decoration of Viciebsk, and, in my opinion, does not contribute to the formation of the younger generation Viciebsk citizens a sense of patriotism and love for the history of the city and to the people that this town was founded and built and defended."
"Princelings" and "hooligans", which Leonid Svetik wrote in his letter to the city council, – a Hero of the Soviet funny comedy king Ivan the Terrible from the films "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Occupation"; petty crooks Coward, Bobby and Experienced from the movies about the adventures of Shurik; thief-recidivist Associate Professor of the "gentlemen of fortune".
Leonid Svetik concerned that depicted on the walls all kinds of lasciviousness like movie heroes, villains, whose images belong to someone else – the Soviet – culture, artists ignore national heritage. According to him, the city ideologues let things slide design of the city, have withdrawn from participation in the approval of the sketches and the images, and because of this whole process has become eclectic, cosmopolitan character.
Viciebsk human rights activist suggested that the ideologists of the city to take control of the activities of street art group StreetSkills and approve the first images that are relevant to both the old and the new history of the city. He is convinced that this approach of local authorities to the decoration of the city will cease to carry systemic nature and ideologically correct image will promote patriotic education of youth.
The answer to his proposal, Leonid Svetik was signed by the head of department of ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Viciebsk City Council Natalia Shienok. The official human rights activist said that painting the walls of buildings is a monumental painting, and in accordance with the legislation of the young artists team StreetSkills agree on the creation of their works with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Viciebsk city executive committee rather than ideology.
"Additionally, we inform, – wrote Natalia Shienok human rights activist – that the last work« StreetSkills »depicts famous cultural figures: Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Soviet actor and film director Yevgeny Morgunov, People's Artist of the USSR, Soviet and Russian film and theater actor Georgiy Vitsin, People's Artist of the USSR, Soviet and Russian actor, circus performer (Clown), TV presenter, participant of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of Socialist Labor Yuri Nikulin and People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Soviet and Russian film and theater actor Yuri Yakovlev."
What is the relationship listed honored people of the neighboring states – Russia and the other states that no longer exists – the Soviet Union, have to Belarus and Viciebsk, their portraits, and even in comic images, decorating the ancient Belarusian town, an official in-ideology explained. Apparently, the ideologues of the city are still living nostalgia for the old days, when Belarus was part of the Soviet empire. Therefore, there is little hope the appearance soon on the walls of Viciebsk image of Belarusian actors instead cowards, bobbies, the kings ivans terrible and docents.

Kastus Dzvinski