Building of the former Catholic chapel (#25/4 on the street Uryckaha in Viciebsk), built in 1859, demolished, as Viciebsk State University does not have 2 billion rubles for repair.
Such a response to his appeal in Viciebsk city executive committee received Tatsyana Sevyarynets. "The building, which is on the street. Uritsky, 25, in the Botanical Gardens, are not included in the list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus. <...> According to the owner, passed examination and evaluation of the technical state of the aerial supporting structures two-storey building. From Technical Report shows that this building is classified as accident-prone, is necessary to replace its aboveground load-bearing structures. To repair and installation work on the facility needs about 2 billion rubles. On the basis of this and due to the lack of funds for the reconstruction of previously the owner had decided to demolish the building" – an excerpt from the response of the executive committee on the site bchd.info.
However, only the development of design estimates will cost the university at 22 million rubles, not to mention themselves demolition. However, the tender for the creation of this document, which was announced on September 29 is in a strange stage – Online www.icetrade.by has not announced its results.

At the same time managed to learn some details about the chapel. According to the description in #33 of "Tygodnik Powszechny" of 1884 (Art. 524), the chapel was built by lords Dunin-Slepstsev with the permission of the authorities, and covered in 1860 dean Gayzhevski (Julian Gojżewski) in honor of the Blessed Virgin Grieving, Remembrance Day is celebrated on September 15. The same source says that during his stay in the house Dunin-Slepsc Mass at this chapel celebrated by Archbishop Metropolitan of Mogilev Vaclav Žylinski.
An interesting look that Stepan Dunin-Slepsc while in Viciebsk managed to open a new Catholic church. As you know, after the uprising of 1830-1831 in Belarus in 1833 was canceled and the Statute of ON and churches began to close or be transferred to other faiths.
For Biešankovičy landowner and Połacak leader Irene Wasilewski, who Vladislav Ciehanoviecki results published in the 1912 book "Z okolic Dźwiny" (Art. 214), in 1848 in Viciebsk was almost closed the only active parish church – from St. Petersburg received an order to seal the church of St. Anthony. It also indicates that of the six churches that existed in 1833 in Viciebsk, a Dominican (St. Michael the Archangel) has become a ruin, like St. Barbara, catholic church was sealed and transformed into a shop (since 1858 in its building housed the Central Archive of Ancient Acts of books), Jesuit (St. Joseph) was the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas, became Kirch and Trinity cathedral – closed (in 1858 the building was given to the Orthodox Church and in 1865 it was rebuilt in the Intercession Church). Only the intervention of the Viciebsk governor-general Prince Golitsyn stopped and close the church of St. Anthony.
In his letter to the newspaper "Słowo" Artem Verigo-Darevskii writes that in 1858 in Viciebsk there are three Catholic churches: St. Anthony (rector Julian Vasilkovsky), Dominican Church on Castle Street, Church of St. Barbara (rector Julian Gayzhevsky). Condition of buildings not specified.
With regard to Dunin-Slepstsev, then they have repeatedly mentioned in the memorial book of the Viciebsk province. Note that the name of these sources is given in two writing: Dunin-Slepsc (Дунинъ-Слѣпць), for example, in 1866, 1881 and 1882, respectively, and Dunin-Slepiec (Дунинъ-Слѣпeцъ), for example, in 1865, 1867 and 1868. At the same time, it sometimes loses "Dunin", and, accordingly, in the index is below the letter "S". At the same time, the Polish and German sources traced only writing Dunin-Slepść.
According to "The memorial book of the Viciebsk province" in 1865 (Art. 13) collegiate assessor Stepan Osipovich Dunin-Slepsts Dec. 23, 1864 (January 4, 1865, new style) became a member of the nobility of the Polotsk district. At the same position it was in accordance with the books in 1866 (Art. 15) and 1867 (Art. 18) years. It seems that until June 28 (July 10), 1868, when he was replaced by Warrant Officer Joseph Gutowski Gasperovich.
There are more complete information about its rewards: in addition to the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree and sign of distinction for 15 years of excellent service, mentioned in the first article, had the Order of St. Anne III degree and a medal for the years 1853-1856, released in honor of the Crimean War, which is widely rewarded and civilians not taking part in hostilities.
In 1867, Stepan Dunin-Slepsc was 60 years (mean, likely born in 1808), 37 of which he has given service. It is also noted that he is married, and has received training in Połacak Jesuit Academy. The publication in 1905 "Materyały do dziejów Akademii Połockiej i szkoł od niej zależnych" (Art. 141), we find that, in accordance with the "Miesiacznik Połocki" in 1818 (Vol. 1, Art. 76) in 1817 the award earned the student 4 Class Stepan Slepsc.
Last time, who managed to find in the memorial book of Stepan Osipovich Dunin-Slepsc mentioned in 1878. He is listed (Art. 264), as the landlord of the Viciebsk district, which had a manor and farm Zarechnoye Zamoshye tithes from 1472 (about 1605 acres) of land. Private landowners in the Viciebsk district then owned 143,372 acres, and landowners who have had more than 1,000 dessiatines, was only 9.
In "The memorial book of the Viciebsk province" in 1881 (v. 149), we are already most likely the son of the founder of the chapel Stepan Stepanovich Dunin-Slepsc, indicated landlords and glosnym Viciebsk City Council in the 2nd category. In 1882 it is mentioned in the same position (art. 210), as well as a board member of the Viciebsk society of farmers (Art. 232).
The publication «Kritische Miscellen» 1864 can be found in Vitzthumsches Gymnasium in Dresden from 1863 to 1864 in 5 class learned Stepan Dunin-Slepsc (v. 79), who was born on 14 May (26), 1850 in Viciebsk. There's also (v. 83) he mentions that he left school, as his mother returned home. Interestingly, Viciebsk (Witepsk) considered to Lithuania (Lithauen).
From "Jahrbuch für das Berg– und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen auf das Jahr" for 1873 (art. 188) and 1874 (v. 206) years, it is known that from 1872 to 1875 years, Stepan Dunin-Slepsc (Stephan Stephanowitzsch von Dunin– Slepsc, aus Witebsk in Russland) studied at the Freiberg Mining Academy (where, for example, studied Mikhail Lomonosov).

As we can see the building of the chapel Dunin-Slepstsev (Dunin-Sleptsov) in Viciebsk is interesting not only as an example of architecture of the middle of the XIX century, but also as related to the life of public figures of the city.

By the way, photographs of Constantine Duryhin made in the range from 1956 (when the bridge was built Bauman) to 1959 (when Duryhin left Viciebsk), you can see another one-storey building of the former chapel almost in authentic form, but without the towers.
According to news.vitebsk.cc