Since October 1997, headed by Joseph Adamovich Naumchik Viciebsk regional organization "Frantsishak Skaryna Belarusian Language Society" ("Tavarystva Biełaruskaj Movy", TBM). I have done over the years is not to list, but we did not set out to provide some retrospective, and Joseph Adamovich asked to confine his narrative the current year.
Joseph Adamovich, please tell our readers about the condition in which there is today Viciebsk city organization.
Do you know how many subscribers of "Naša Słova" (TBM newspaper – ed.) in Viciebsk? During the previous subscription of Viciebsk there were 52 subscribers, but after the last – only 21. The number of subscribers of the field falls dramatically.
Municipal organization we now have remained virtually without a leader. Last year, in February, we had a very good meeting, then a dozen people joined the organization, seventy persons re-registered. We chose the Board almost unanimously elected head of the city organization. A week and a half – the person refuses, gives documents. Spring gathered a council, and put his duties as chairman at the head of the literary and artistic part of the theater "Lalka" Lyudmila Simanenok.
However, despite the difficult times for the Belarusian language, something the organization is still being done. What's in the last year managed to carry out?
Most importantly, we had a large share of which has received a great response in most regional newspapers then gave the information. I'm talking about the show-contest the local press with the Belarusian word. Each regional edition to get our conditions of competition, and was sent to the jury. We have six months subtracted all the newspapers. And those publications that claimed the first-third places, read almost the entire jury.
First place at this time we have awarded four newspapers: "Hieroj Pracy" from Šumilina district, "Brasłaŭskaja Źviazda", "Patryjot" from Ušačy district and "Mіorskіja Naviny ". Second place went to the newspaper of Dokšycy district "Rodnyia Vytokі". Third place went to the newspaper Šarkoŭščyna district " Klič Radzimy" and Pastavy district newspaper " Pastaŭski Kraj". In addition, we personally awarded thirty journalists from all over the area, gave them the work of the Belarusian literature.
The awards took place in steers during Autograph holiday. They invited all the winners. For various reasons, not all were able to come. However, representatives of five local editions come. Other prizes were awarded in the field. I went, Yuri Babich went. In Šumilina presented the award and editors and reporters. Šarkoŭščyna visited, local newspaper reported on this event later on the first page. Then visit Dokšycy newspaper. We are sending and Pastavy, which also gathered all journalists Postavy newspaper. About two weeks ago we were there Yuri Babich. They also wrote about it.
There are a number of journalists, including Galina Shpakovskaya, Tamara Pashkevich, – they are always written in Belarusian. I handed over the books that I have been able to buy in Minsk. In late April – early May managed to get a book from the Union of Belarusian Writers: more than twenty-three volumes of Vasil Bykov. It was and other literature, which helped us a lot the company " Budźma biełarusami" and the International Association of Belarusians of the world " Baćkaŭščyna". There are still only take books Sianno to reporters. It is, first and foremost, our focus and attention to those who write in Belarusian.
Please tell us a few words about Bykov’s fest.
The fest spent together with the movement "For Freedom". Every year, the celebration in Byčki going two or three hundred people. We try to make this celebration took place with the participation of Ušačy executive committee, and I must say, we have established good relationships with Ušačy leadership, ideological service.
Commemoration of our famous countrymen is our priority. This is our initiative. Materials published on this in " Naša Słova". Many letters on this subject written on behalf of the Board of the Belarusian Language Society and the Council of Ministers and the Presidential Administration, and in the Executive Committee and district executive committees. And the answers to the same type come, saying, "shall consider", but concrete work is not reached.
Clarify, please, about the situation of your relationship with the city leadership. What are the issues you discussed with them?
Over the past two years I have made several visits to the city leaders and the leaders of the ideological services. In words, if agreed, but nothing changes. As there was in the city of Belarusian-language advertising, and now it is not. And culture is lagging behind. At the end of our conference last year we wrote a letter to the chairman of the executive committee, it has been published on the website "Popular News of Viciebsk", and the answer we have published. Almost no one on our question, we have not received a specific answer.
We put questions about the names of the railway stations, stops and on the school. You know, in no audio medium Belarusian school or high school. But there were Belarusian-language schools in Viciebsk and Połacak. 70 per cent of pupils in the area had once studied in the Belarusian language, and is now 13 percent. There are only Sianno boarding school. I immediately asked for the Writers' Union, and they gave me two bags of books and magazines "Dziejasłoŭ". Many do not even know that such a magazine exists.
With the new chairman of the executive committee is not met, although, of course, would be necessary to go. It is necessary to set out the problems that exist. I had had two interviews with Podgurski, Deputy Mayor, which deals with culture and education. Man, he's serious, a Belarusian. As if there is an understanding. But what will change – I do not know.
What do you personally see the reason for such indifference on the part of the authorities to issues of the Belarusian language?
300 years of Russification, whatever it was. By the way, when I found the saying of Catherine II in 1796: "Grand Duchy of Lithuania continue to call only and her people – Belarusians than ever bind it to Russia. White Russia to appease the power of impossible. This mission we have entrusted to the Russian official, Russian teacher, Russian priest. They take away the Belarusians not only their language but also the very memory of themselves."
There is also the irresponsible attitude of the authorities and ideological services. I asked them: Did you have at least one meeting where you talked about the need for attention to the Belarusian language? I never read about it, never heard of it – either on radio or on television – in the last two or three years. The state is obliged to ensure real equality of the two languages. And how can there be equality of languages, when the House of Representatives passes laws, usually only in Russian, is in addition to those relating to some of the cultural issues. And I'm not quite sure.
A year ago, we started work in Viciebsk language courses "Mova Nanova". Do you have with the organizers of these courses have a relationship?
With "Mova Nanova", of course, we cooperate. And I was with them in the classroom, and Yuri Babich cooperating with them. Great case. We are not only welcome, but also to help where possible. The more of these courses, the better. The main thing is that there are young people present. Now no one higher education institution, no Lyceum, no college. People also understand: why study the Belarusian language, if later on it there is no place to learn.
Share, Mr. Joseph, with our readers your plans for the near future.
In the nearest plans – leaving in those schools where teaching in the Belarusian language. That will soon go to a boarding school in Sianno. Let's go to our local writers.
Tell us what part of your members are young people, and how it actively behave?
Young people make up one-third of our members. But to say that it is actively manifests itself, I cannot. Activity, according to my understanding, should be shown to sign "Naša Słova" me and my friend. There will be no newspapers, we will lose the opportunity to exchange views and ideas. Go only on the Internet – is not an option, much is lost with this transition. The activity should not occur in any noisy actions, and in the dissemination of Belarus, the Belarusian books of Belarusian newspapers and magazines. When I went to the editors, carried with him "Dziejasłoŭ" because not all journalists are even aware of such a magazine.
S. Horki, Vitebsk Spring