In the State Control Committee of the Viciebsk region, the results of the inspection of OJSC Połacak-Torg, which serves 15 educational institutions in Połacak, almost 8,500 people, were announced.
Verification findings: a balanced diet is not provided, natural norms for fish, milk, sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables, juice, eggs and other sharply needed children's body products are not met. But in excess on school tables, cereals, potatoes, pasta... Caloric content is understated.
At all the sites inspected violations of the requirements of sanitary norms and rules were found. Do not hesitate to food and overcharge prices in school buffets. At school number 16, for example, price tags for water, juices and nectars "accidentally" jumped by 22-40 cents. Here for pies with apples asked for 4 kopecks more than their real value. Nonsense, little things? Multiply these trifles by 8,5 thousand customers – it will be more than a solid amount.
For these and other violations of the organization of child nutrition in Połacak, the State Control Committee of the region brought to administrative responsibility 18 officials, as well as the enterprise itself OJSC Połacak-Torg.
However, there is no hope that this will serve as a good lesson for the perpetrators, as well as for their colleagues working with schoolchildren in other regions. Indeed, at the beginning of this year, similar checks have already taken place in Vorša and Viciebsk. A total of over 50 (!) Punished, a special board of the State Control Committee of the region. Based on the results of inspections in the whole country – a similar meeting at the national level, instructions on the urgent elimination of shortcomings and the prevention of them in the future. The issue was taken over by the president. Certain measures, of course, are accepted. But, as practice shows, they are clearly insufficient. This was said at a recent meeting of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee, where they sought reasons and voiced the consequences of omissions.
By the way, on the instruction of the president, educational institutions developed two-week diets. Most of them... did not pass sanitary and hygienic expertise. Controllers say: the reason is that traditionally the determining factor in the menu is the price. That is, the products are "adjusted" to the cost of lunch without taking into account their caloric content and balance in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Elena Begunova, sb.by
Photo: sch-55.ru