The book is unusual not only for its name – "Was at lord a sparrow speaking". It is unique by the fact that the pages of the author speaks not only to the readers, a journalist Źmicier Bartosik: here about his life telling ordinary Belarusians, residents of "heartland", whose word is not so often seek to broadcast the official media – because it is too true and apt.
The book's title – is also the most apt, bright stories. From which words do not throw it away, even if it is blunt, laughing author:
"One day in the village of Dziamidaŭ that in Homiel region, old Anna Duda told me a story about moguls Horvat. Is this true, or has the bike, folk story – who knows? There was a pan at them, before the revolution. He was a good man who never hurt a person knowingly not. But he was a sparrow speaking – probably at the time of the parrots did not hear, so named so. And this sparrow speaking as lord said, quietly watching the economy. And the most – the peasants, while he is away. And when he returned, the sparrow him all the reports: someone has stolen from the landlord's property, who on the piano strumming or in front of the mirror chambers punk cool ... That peasants and decided to sew up the sparrow's ass! And he is talking – talking, but not much: just could not tell. I came pan. And he says, "Sheela-sewed, sewed yes." Nothing lord did not understand, did not notice anything, peasants do not recognize. A dead sparrow."
Dmitry Bartosik said that this story – not only as the fate of our Belarus. Here and about how Belarusians are able to "on-partisan" to fight against their oppressors: without excessive noise, but effective. And about trying to "sew" the mouths of our fellow citizens, not to complain about life, not blasphemed power. Scare people, as it was in the most difficult years of Belarusian history, and now – contracts for the production, or the law of the parasites, or video surveillance at every step. But it is the "little sparrow saying" an informer, in which – not a word too much, no movement...
But the man just need to talk, speak, or even to confess. And this book is precisely such a sincere conversation, the author says:
"In its 35 stories about everything – from the revolutionary events and ending our time. Moreover, the foundation make up stories about the terrible – relating to crime, murder, for the plight of the Belarusians. In short, sad story. "
There are in the collection and essays from Hłybokaje district – "Mysterious prophecy Glubokskaya elders", are three stories, heard from the locals, and "Belarusian agronomist Boleslav Lapyr" of Hłybokaje gardeners-breeders who brought a special sort of cherries, extremely fertile in these conditions. Although officially this kind is not, Hłybokaje glory he brought: by chance in the regional center was founded and is held annually, "Cherry Festival".
And the first presentation of his book Źmicier Bartosik has decided to arrange in Hłybokaje by chance. As he says, it is when traveling in this region came to realize what life's history should look to fix them for the audience and "Freedom" readers. And this has contributed to a resident of Hłybokaje, a local Democratic activist Źmicier Lupach and namesake. He Źmicier Bartosik and dedicated this book.
Mr. Lupach, of course, was invited to the presentation – and not just as a spectator. He and Źmicier Bartosik and close friends, and associates. Make friends for a long time, and it was during the joint travel, says Źmicier Lupach:
"Back in the early 2000s, I knew Bartosik, but as a performer of songs as a bard. Then he repeatedly came to us not only act, but also as one of the authors of the program "Political Geography" on Radio Liberty. In 2006, the year I remember, we went together to the village Dzierkaŭščyna since our friendship began. We then talked a lot about what to write stories that go along with people. After all, the past 20 th century was very dramatic. Eventful. How many times I was going to write interesting stories of his countrymen, but somehow did not develop ... And he took and turned first series of programs, and now – the book."
In 2001, the year on Radio Liberty was the program "Political Geography" – it's basically been traveling to local political activists. And then it was transformed into a "Journey of Freedom" – in collecting life stories, which, perhaps, we can study the history of the country.
At the presentation of the book "I was at lord sparrow speaking" in Hłybokaje came with half a dozen people – more likely, and would not fit in a small room, the office of the local democratic forces.
It was very warm – and not just because of the fact that in a small room there were a lot of people, but because this presentation took place in a truly friendly circle. Speeches, jokes, laughter, songs with a guitar, autographs – it was. So far – only in Hłybokaje. But Źmicier Bartosik promises that he would come with his book and in other cities.