Last Saturday, thanks to the efforts of members of the Viciebsk branch of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, held a photo exhibition and presentation of documentary films devoted to the sign for the city on the Dvina person – Boris Khamaida.
Dozens of photographs taken more than twenty years of Viciebsk journalists and photographers Igor Matveev, Sergei Serebro, Anton Stepanischev and Elena Stepanova, taken together, reflected the rebellious way of the most famous distributor of independent press in Viciebsk. In any weather, in winter and summer as a constant watch "blue house", he carries his service, promoting voluntary Belarusian word, and with it the ideals of democracy and freedom.
And if most of the photos of Boris Hononovich photographed is the "blue house, the film "Choice of Boris Khamajda" (by Elena Stepanova and Aleksandr Zenkov), reflects another facet of his work. He tells of Vitsebsk oppositionist as an editor once popular independent city newspaper "Choice". But not only this. From the dialogue that leads to the audience throughout the belt of her hero, before us is a man deeply in love with his native Viciebsk – the city where he was born and without which it is not my life, the city with his soul and aura.
And a photo exhibition and a film shocked and moved by the audience, who know Mr. Khamayda, led them to the good words in the address of the protagonist of this event, and the address of its creators.
In particular, the journalist Andrew Alifirenko calling Boris Khamayda founding father and producer of the newspaper "Choice", remembered many of the journalists who worked in the publication along with its editor. Comparing the present with the past, he lamented the fact that the amount of the periodical press, previously unreleased in Viciebsk, has decreased significantly.
Poet Lyudmila Simanenok after watching the film noted that Boris Hononovich "loves the camera", because it looks on the screen as a real actor. She read it and his poem dedicated to the closest associates of Mr. Khamajda, Vladimir Pleschenko:
Nie ścirajucca z dysku fantomy.
Doma ŭ Viciebsku ty ci ŭ haściach.
La narodnaha «siniaha domu»
Biełaruski chvalujecca ściah.
Bieły ściah z pałasoju čyrvonaj
Bačna ŭ samaj biazzornaj načy
U nadziejnych rukach, što da skonu
Nie pakinuć jaho bierahčy…
Nie padlehły ni strachu, ni stomie.
Nie ŭciače da čužych bierahoŭ.
La šmatludnaha «siniaha domu»
Ściah čakaje narodu svajho.
Boris Hononovich thanked the good word of the film and said that while watching recalled those people who are no longer, but that helped the newspaper to come out. From his point of view, the film has become a monument to everyone who was involved in the creation of the newspaper. He recalled the case when Vladimir Pleschenko after the paper "Choice" by Slavomir Adamovich poem "Kill the President" voluntarily, in solidarity wished to share criminal responsibility with her editor, stating a collective decision to print the poem.
Present at the event was a poet and bard George Stankevich from Biešankovičy performed several of his lofty and patriotic songs.

S. Horki