Back in 2009, the House of Culture gathered overhaul – while the village was transformed into agro. But it turned out that the close cultural institution is much easier than to put in order. The villagers went to the reception to his superiors, wrote a complaint – to no avail.
"At the moment the team is in the House of Culture completely adapted for the ideological and cultural events room, namely in one of the rooms of the building of the former kindergarten, and unable to function normally," – say the villagers.
In order to deal with the problem, I visit the site. And surprised. Although only three dozen kilometers that separate agro-town and a regional center, it seems that he was far away in the hinterland. Hogweed its very tall dry inflorescences rises straight to the territory mehmasterskih and livestock buildings. Large apple orchard is also overgrown with bushes and weeds, and then this gray picture bright glare strokes dumps.
Chairman of the Vymna Village Council Lily Grigorieva working here all the second year:
– The snow came down, and now set about cleaning. All and difficult to grasp immediately. Here in the past year have resulted in the order of the coastal territory liberated from the thickets entrances to the village, destroying everything superfluous in a birch grove. You see what has become beautiful?
Grove on the shores of a huge lake, rises straight to the agro-town, really decorates the landscape. Here lies the playground.
– Like here, in a recreation area, put benches, but did not dare, – says head of the local authority. – They say that taking into account the local mentality and they do not have enough for a week – disassemble and broken.
And here is the same House of Culture, for the fate of the villagers who are worried. The majestic two-story building is located on the "first beach" line. Next in the shade of trees and ornamental shrubs – a memorial to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. On the massive structure of the doors, boarded up with nails, warning: "The passage is forbidden." Windows also boarded.
Seeing the guests quietly going to the people. Within ten minutes I was informed of all developments. It turns out that this building called the House of Culture would be wrong. Yes, once we settled here and the club, and a library, and other facilities, but the owner of the building has been and remains a local agricultural enterprise, which used it as its administrative center. A bullet, according to the villagers, in the history of its existence has put local fireman. In the winter for heating the boiler room brought a thick log, he did not cut them down-stabbing and left in the 30-degree cold home. Batteries in the morning burst. I had to move out. Employees of the administration moved to the farm next to the accounting department – a unique way, building. Sneak to the leadership and management specialists is very difficult – you need to open on the steep staircase with wooden steps, built at the end wall to the second floor. It is terrible to imagine how it is done by people, for example, during snow and ice.
That's me to the fact that good, nice building, apparently, would not hurt, and agricultural enterprises. Especially now that the former CUACE changed its owner – three months ago, it became a branch of the Viciebsk JSC "Milk". That's just every year the cost of repair of the administrative building of the former increases.
– And we remember how then gave concerts conducted proms, and even the circus came! – Nostalgic my companion Valentine Selezneva, Eugene Kuntysh Svetlana Leoshko, Hope Gaydamakina and others. – We need the House of Culture! – Say clearly, but he could not say exactly how long empty mansions. Whether two years, or six years...
– And you'll go to rehearsal, to participate in amateur? – I interested in rural women.
– Oh, we are no longer young ... But look here would come. And there, in the new club, do not go.
"There" – is on the contrary, through the alley, 200-300 meters. Former kindergarten sheltered under its roof village council, the library and the club. Employees satisfied. It is warm and cozy. A librarian Raisa Fedorenko says, at the previous spot under her possessions were laid even smaller areas than now. Bored once – daily is 30-40 visitors considering kids. Director of the House of Culture Antonina Titova shows their territory. Two small rooms for rehearsal and dance auditorium, where it can accommodate up to 50 people. On youth discos comes a little – 10-12 people. But in the agro-town, where less than half a thousand people live, young men and women very little. But the participants of the famous folk choir Vymnyanskogo gather here regularly. Now they are preparing for the performance at the festival "Braslavsky lightning." Yes, but all the members of the choir – it is cultural workers, the local division of arts schools and teachers.
In addition to premises rented by cultural activities organizers, a hall for meetings and conferences there and the village council. Even in school, according to Deputy Director Tatiana Sharkova, always happy to see villagers on their activities.
Head of the department of ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of Viciebsk District Executive Committee Marina Zdolnikova, whom I contacted after visiting Vymna, expressed his views on the issue:
– Aggravation of the topic is clearly far-fetched. In Vymna enough and the place and opportunity to complete the work of cultural institutions. We are going to revive the folk festival here, plan to hold it in an open area near the lake. It would be the desire of the villagers themselves to participate in the cultural life of the village. So far, unfortunately, their activity is clearly lacking. You can, of course, dream about large areas, increase of state cultural activities organizers, but as it is today justified and financially justified? Are the villagers to obtain fee-based services, which will then have to implement? I doubt it. As for the conditions – today they are really better than six years ago.
And he thinks the new owner of the former agricultural "Vymna"? General Director of JSC "Milk" Viciebsk Alexander Lukin believes that the problem of abandoned buildings in the center of the agro-town again became topical because of the rumors about its sale, and says: no sales, purchases and transfers will not be. JSC plans to restore the building and used to house a branch of the administration. This is the first step. In the future, perhaps, settle here and other necessary and useful for the villagers and service units. The main thing that they used them.
Elena Begunova, Respublika