April 10 in the hall of cultural and historical complex "Golden Ring city of Viciebsk 'Dźvina'" report-back election conference of Viciebsk regional organization of the Belarusian Language Society (Tavarystva Biełaruskaj Movy – TBM).
Former chairman of the regional organization of the TBM Joseph Navumchik, who for nineteen years was its undisputed leader, even 14 February resigned. However, given its contribution to the TBM, the delegates of the regional conference left him in this position as honorary chairman.
After the departure of Joseph Navumchyk, chairman of the regional organization of elected Yuri Babich, who opened this conference. Among other things, the delegates amended the composition of the Regional Council, which was reduced from seventeen to fifteen people. As the chairman of the audit committee, delegates approved the poet Konstantin Sevyarynets.
From Minsk to the conference came to the head of the Republican organization TBM Oleg Trusov and his deputy, Elena anise. Attending the event, and Denis Yurchak, chief specialist of the ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee. As a PhD in history and a man well-versed in matters of national culture, in his speech Denis Yurchak I found rapport with the audience in the hall of the adherents of the Belarusian word. This feature was perceived positively tebeemovtsami as privlastnaya Belarusian – a phenomenon quite limited in the local reality denationalized.
After reporting the board management and the audit committee of more than ten delegates made in the debate.
Valentine Kruk, TBM representative of Połacak, noted that the decision of city authorities to reconstruct the damaged monument to letter "Ў" was made under pressure from members of the organization.
Performance by Oleg Trusov concerned not only the pressing issues of the organization – among other things TBM chairman drew attention to the fact that during the election campaign to the House of Representatives of the national-oriented, participants must maintain its dialogue with the people is in Belarusian.
At the end of the conference TBM diploma was awarded the organization of the active member of the poetess Padśvиlle Maria Borovik.

S. Horki