At the initiative of local history of the city public event held on 17-18 March in honor of the historic event: March 17, 1597 Viciebsk was granted the Magdeburg Law.
The regional museum held a free tour and historical lecture. The participants got acquainted with the exposition of the ancient Viciebsk and treasures that were found in the city. Head of the Department of History of Belarus Viciebsk State University Anatoly Dulov and chief specialist of the ideological work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Viciebsk Oblast Executive Committee Denis Yurchak read a lecture on the Magdeburg law and Belarusian towns Middle Ages. Museums event was attended by several dozen people.
But the greatest number of participants has gathered a walking tour, which was held by the candidate of historical sciences, the famous ethnographer Nikolai Pivavar. More than 100 people have been with him on the Viciebsk places historically associated with the Magdeburg law. Do not scare the participants even cold weather and rain.
Symbolically, the tour began at City Hall, in which the building is now a museum of local lore. As is known, the town hall – a symbol of municipal government. But, of course, this is not the town hall, which was built after the Viciebsk was granted the Magdeburg Law.
The next point of the tour was the Assumption Hill, whose name gave the Church of the Assumption, located on a high hill above the Dźvina. In Soviet times the church was blown up, he has only recently restored. This area is also related to the history of Magdeburg Law. In 1623 a rebellion broke out in Viciebsk. Orthodox citizens killed Połacak Uniate Archbishop Kuntsevych Jehoshaphat, and his body thrown into the Dźvina in this place. Royal troops suppressed the uprising, but for the participation of residents of Viciebsk was deprived of Magdeburg law. More than 20 years before the city regained it. It happened in 1644 when King Wladyslaw IV. City Hall, which was dismantled after the deprivation of Viciebsk Magdeburg Law, was rebuilt.
It ended with a tour at the monument to the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd, which for some time was the prince and Viciebsk. In times of Algirdas Viciebsk became an outpost on the eastern borders of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The town was surrounded by stone fortifications, which corresponds to the latest trends in contemporary Europe. The Upper Castle was built by the prince's palace, and the Upper Castle, as well as Lower, were reinforced by stone walls with defensive towers.
Our guide Nicholas Pivavar has repeatedly pointed out that the Magdeburg law did not guarantee the prosperity of the city and the wealthy, but created conditions "for the development of self-management, self-esteem growth."
To celebrate the historic date in Viciebsk hosted a presentation of the project "Viciebsk banner", as well as medieval disco with a group "Stary Olsa".
One of the organizers of the current activities of the museum Vladimir Bulavsky noted that the celebration of the anniversary of Viciebsk Magdeburg Law was initiated by local residents. The initiative has received wide response, it has been featured in the media, including the government. Therefore, it is hoped that next year's celebration of the 420 anniversary of the date of receipt Viciebsk Magdeburg law will be carried out already at an official level.
photo: svaboda.org