After a rainy Saturday Sunday Maslenitsa pleased the citizens and let the good weather to really enjoy all the charms of folk festivals. Ancient pagan fun atmosphere that the organizers have tried to recreate within the "Golden Ring city of Viciebsk 'Dźvina'", ended the culmination burning straw effigies of Carnival.
Before the start of Lent on a holiday you can enjoy plenty of variety of the popular dishes prepared before your eyes by the Belarusian and Lithuanian artists. From piping hot: bread, pancakes, potato pancakes, fragrant meat, sausages and potatoes with the smell of smoke in the open air flew immediately.
Although Sunday Lithuanian chefs did not suit any culinary show visitors near their pavilion was in abundance. And what is particularly pleasing: in spite of their Russian speech, to make a mistake in their ethnicity was almost impossible. It is manifested in national clothes and cooking utensils, and demeanor, and even in the manner of decoration tables... There is a lot to learn!
Saying goodbye to winter, and after seeing Santa Claus for a deserved holiday season, the townspeople called the spring and she is waiting for a bit of decency, to the sound of a song to everyone's satisfaction came on the scene in a green dress and a wreath on his head.
I do not know what they thought of the organizers of the show, but personally I did not like when the Belarusian Spring, young and playful, she came to the people under the song "Murmuring brooks" Lyubov Orlova from the film "Spring in Moscow" in 1947. Such lapses repertoire and episodic use of Belarusian language minimize the level of national color and did not contribute to the growth of national consciousness.
In addition to women and men in the Belarusian folk costumes, pleased with this day with its unique authenticity and members of the two clubs of historical reconstruction and modeling "Naglfar" and "hallwil". It was under their reliable protection effigy of Maslenitsa escorted to the site of the ritual burning, where the cheers of the crowd, and was made this mystical action.

S. Horki