The site appeared change.org petition – a request to the Metropolitan Pavel, so he stopped the initiative of erecting a temple-new building, for which the authors of the project planned to destroy part of the park on the banks of the Dźvina.
Officially, it's called the park of Partisan Glory. Here is Minay Shmyrev Museum – legendary guerrilla commander nicknamed "Old Man Meany".
It is to the glory of the guerrilla past of Belarus appeals petition compiled by Jaroslav Voinovich. He writes that "under the threat of destruction delivered one of the most intimate corners of the old city" as well as "to prepare the site for construction will be destroyed 206 trees – more than 25% of the park, and it would harm both the individual park and landscaping Viciebsk as a whole".
Compiled petition said that the destruction of the park of Partisan Glory – is sacrilege, because "the people of Belarus suffered during the Great Patriotic War, the terrible losses, lost every fourth inhabitant of the country, and in the Viciebsk region – one in three."
Turning to the Metropolitan Paul, Mr. Voinovich wrote: "Perhaps you, Your Eminence, have not yet had time insights into Belarusian history and the role of the guerrilla movement in the liberation of our country from the Nazi invaders."
Compiled petition notes that the partisans were members of the clergy, and that "the forest has always been for the Belarusian shelter from the oppressors, and the trees were his refuge. No wonder the popular song on the poem by Adam Rusak sing: "Oh, birch and pine – partisan sisters ...".
He remembers the author of the petition and the methods of struggle with the partisans during the last war, when the felled forests along roads and railways, to guerrilla groups could not commit sabotage, when the "mass felling of around villages Nazis created the space, not covered with forest and shrubs, making it difficult secret partisan approach "to the settlements.
"So really the same in peacetime, we are going to do as well as punitive enemy during the war, and destroy trees planted by our grandfathers in memory of the heroic feat of the Belarusian people? Is it for the sake of creating a man-made temple to destroy the temple not made with hands, created as soon as the will of God? "– Asks Jaroslav Voinovich.
In conclusion, the author, on behalf of the residents of Viciebsk requested Metropolitan Paul postpone the construction of the temple in a more suitable place.
Residents of Viciebsk, in fact, very ambiguously related to the construction of St. Sophia Cathedral, which is planning to build on the model of the Połacak Sofia XI century.
"The cathedral will be built, in turn, on the model of Sophia of Constantinople, which has analogues in Kiev and Novgorod. Połacak Sofia – a powerful symbol of the Eastern Slavs unity in Christ and spiritual continuity between Byzantium and Russia. The Uniate era Połacak St. Sophia Cathedral was radically rebuilt, and today his view is very little in common with the original. It is possible to recreate the appearance of Połacak Sofia XI century in Viciebsk "– written in the journal of the meeting of the Synod of the BOC from July 5, 2013.
A significant part of Viciebsk residents not agree with this idea. Some believe that the construction of the new building, the church – it's a waste of money, while in Belarus there are many historic temples, these monuments of the past, which are destroyed. Some residents do not mind construction, if only in a different place. For example, in new housing estates, where the Orthodox Church is not at all, not in the historical center, where temples and well worth a few hundred meters from each other.
A lot of discontent caused and the need to cut down part of the park under construction. January 18 October Viciebsk district administration held a public discussion of the report on environmental impact assessment of construction of St. Sophia Cathedral. Customer project – the community, "Parish of St. Sophia Cathedral in Viciebsk Diocese of the Belarusian Orthodox Church" and Archpriest Mikhail Martinovic, the future rector of the church, and could not answer the audience, whether embodied in the life of the project at all. The fact that the building of St. Sophia Cathedral gather money donors, including the main sponsor – is the Russian "Gazprom" and its head Alexei Miller. He personally took place in a park on the banks of the Dźvina and became honorary chairman of the church board of trustees.
Viciebsk residents concerned about: what happens is that part of the park destroyed, and the Russian sponsor in the current difficult economic conditions, abandon the idea of building? The destruction of the park, many of the residents are generally considered barbaric, and what they write in the comments to the petition.