The former political prisoner, leader of the "Young Front" Zmicier Dashkevich believer Protestant Church introduced the townspeople with his work "worm", shared his thoughts on the present and future of the country. The meeting was held in the premises of the "European club".
In particular, Mr. Zmicier said that before going to prison, had a belief that the regime has only groundless opposition. And what was his surprise when he saw among the prisoners a lot of innocent people. Someone got there because of their business, someone crossed the road precinct, some simply refused to pay bribes to officials ... To some extent, this was a definite shock: persecuted all the Belarusian society.
All the mechanisms of repression, which fall under the political and social activists, have long been tested on simple people. Before we pursue the presidential candidates, law enforcement officers got the hand on the same drunks and drug addicts...
After becoming acquainted with the prevailing injustice of the scale there was a desire to put the prisoners heard from the paper. I wanted to convey the pain and experience of the people, which met during the two imprisonments. The texts written during the years of his release, and formed the basis for the book "Worm". The story, which gave the name to the whole collection, was written in prison in Hłybokaje and appends in Harodnia.
Calling the story "Worm", the author proceeded from the biblical quotes, words spoken by the Jewish King David: "The worm – I'm not a man, scorned by men and despised by the people." And this from a man who once herded sheep, and whom God has made King of loyalty. Therefore, concludes Zmicier Dashkevich, and when we are faithful to God – all that is wrong in our lives, we will serve for the benefit. Even imprisonment.
Following the introduction, the author everyone asked him questions. Answers have been deployed and are meaningful. Here are some of the answers to the questions in the reduction:
As at the time of the conclusion applies to you chiefs and prison staff?
In prison, every day there is a moral, and psychological and physical violence. If the distribution list on the pursuit of the prisoner is given from above, employees must perform their jobs. Although in different prisons it happens in different ways: in some prisons to do it with joy, and something else is added by itself, and the other has his feet and said: "Well, I'm sorry, we have the same work is this."
For me, it was surprised to notice a tremendous difference between the east and west of Belarus. Westerners, for twenty years less intoxicated Bolshevism – is absolutely other people. It should be understood that the prisoner has served two years and left, and the staff and prison managers sit there all his life. Therefore, personality is so degraded that somewhere in the Gorki or a mat-Mozyr peremat is that the ears wither. People seemingly with epaulets major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, and talk can only mats. This – not pass. Based on the foam, they will tell you in detail what will happen to you if you do not obey.
And then they transferred me to a prison west of Belarus. After the experience of the Eastern prepare for the worst. I was sitting in the office of the head, and suddenly enters his deputy, and his first with the threshold:
– And you, Franak was during confession in church on Sunday?
– No, Adamovich, the next time sure I'll go.
One and the same system, but the difference in the twenty years of communism. In the west, up to 50-60-ies of the Bolsheviks shot. And it's just a different world. Therefore, different situations, different prison and a different attitude.
What is the place for yourself what you see today in the Belarusian politics?
What is in our environment politics? I am convinced that God gives many people a small business and is watching how it goes. If people believe that the world has created a good God, then we should agree: God does not like such a criminal regimes. Regimes that repress freedom, persecuted dissidents who unnecessarily put people in jail. And he'd like someone to trust this country, to give her the right person, therefore he gives people the small matter. God gives us something small and see if we are faithful in this small.
For example, giving the Belarusian language, which we can use on a daily basis. I then ask a nationalist, "Why do your children do not speak Belarusian." He says: "as soon as we will take the power, they will speak". He thinks so. We do not want to be faithful in the small. We want to change will come on their own, we want to control the millions at once, although we can not be faithful in the elementary fact.
So, you think that there is 10-15 thousands of highly educated patriots in Belarus, which could be replaced by local bureaucracy?
I think that for people who want change, you have to be faithful in the small things, that God gives today. For there have been some changes in Belarus, we need some kind of critical mass of righteous people. In my opinion, this critical mass is not, so we live the way we live. Remember the story when people are freed from the Soviet slavery, they began to shout? "Go back." When Moses through the desert deduced the people out of Egypt, they shouted the same thing. There is nothing new under the sky. God gives people what they want. Everyone in our country longs for slavery, it will be. And so it will be as long as a critical mass of the faithful, responsible people will. Nothing just does not happen under the sky.
Imagine that tomorrow will collapse mode and the power in their hands they shall take other, because we assume that we are not yet ripe...
I think if it collapses, then we are already able to take power into their own hands. And today we can work and be faithful in the small. And if we are faithful in little things, he is sure to fall.
According to surveys, 30-40 percent of Belarusians stands for the only state Belarusian language. So let's speak! Imagine the situation: tomorrow every third-fourth Belarusian will speak the native language. This mode will then go nuts in one day! After all, this mode is only kept by God's assent.
But all in God's hands. If we look into the past, we see: all criminal system collapsed strange, paradoxically, when no one is hoping for. The brightest proof – Ukraine! What is happening there – it is God destroys the remnants of an evil empire, the remnants of the Soviet Union.
What Belarusian politicians, who are now able to replace Lukashenko as head of state.
We have many worthy personalities in political terms. But I believe that a more suitable person than your countryman Pavel Sevyarynets, in Belarus for today does not exist.

S. Horki