January 22 in the Cathedral Church of the Merciful Jesus in Viciebsk ecumenical service was held this year under the motto "Called to proclaim the great works of the Lord", during which the representatives of Christian Churches and denominations Viciebsk prayed for Christian unity.
Distinguishing what the service at the Cathedral of Viciebsk was the first time since the foundation of the diocese of Viciebsk.
The ecumenical service was attended by representatives of the Catholic Church, headed by Bishop of Viciebsk Oleg Boutkevitch and rector of Viciebsk Greek-Catholic Parish of the Resurrection archpriest father Dmitry Grishan, Vice President for Academic Affairs of Viciebsk Seminary Orthodox Church Archpriest Dmitry Savich, representatives of Evangelical Christians-Baptists – Pastor Alexey Olszewski of the church "Pulse" in Viciebsk and the pastor of the church "Hope" in Viciebsk Gennady Leshchev, pastor of Viciebsk community Peter and Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church Vladimir Tatarnikov.
The service start the process, which is carried at the head of the Holy Scriptures. The service occurred when lit Paschal.
During the service was a prayer to the Holy Spirit, prayer and prayers of hope reunification.
"Today we pray for unity between Christians, and this unity is the commandment of Christ that we heard through the word read. We are all responsible for the fulfillment of these commandments, and when we make common cause, it unites us" – recalled in his speech pastor of the church "Hope" in Viciebsk Gennady Leshchev.
Pastor Vladimir Tatarnikov noted that today's society forgets what faith is, and stressed the importance of praying together, adding that in the current circumstances it is very important to talk about unity and speak with one voice in matters of faith, morals and family values, "for we are all called to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ."
Archpriest Dmitry Savich recalled that "Jesus' prayer – "May they all be one" – is a definite call for us to turn to Him, to overcome the arrogance and cruelty of our heart, but not by force, but only by His love and grace, so that we can become one flock, which he will entrust his beloved Father – our Lord."
Archpriest father Dmitry Grishan reminded that this prayer meeting – a very important event for the future, which we all pray – "May they all be one." The priest said that the representatives of different Christian denominations have to learn to be close to each other and see what "beautiful and worthwhile that each confession can bring to the Church of Christ." The priest stressed the importance of baptism, which is the foundation of Christianity.
Viciebsk Ordinary Bishop Oleg Boutkevitch noted the special nature of this meeting: "Today we are not only talking, today we pray together with representatives of the various Christian Churches and denominations of such an important gift of unity, as requested by Jesus from his father -" Let all be united "" . Hierarch said that on the way to Christian unity is often an obstacle arises – is the idea of how this unity will be achieved.
The bishop recalled the importance of mercy and forgiveness, especially in a year of charity: "It is very important that we know how to forgive offenses which have caused each other, and this applies not only to offenses in the historical dimension, but is especially true of us in our daily lives."
Speaking of finding associations Christian hierarch stressed: "In order to unite with each other, we must first be united with our Father – through repentance, through prayer, through the Eucharist." "We have a sincere heart to look for these paths in the first place to unite with God. And then this thing will be possible unity. Today's event, when we can stand together at the altar, and offer up a prayer – this is very important and a clear sign, that this unity is possible", – said the Ordinary of Viciebsk.
After the proclamation of the obligation to be salt and light, during which came the words: "Let us lift up this holy word of peace, because we are united in a common mission – to be the salt of the earth, be a light to the world and preach the great works of the Lord" – present representatives of religious communities as a sign of total the mission of all the Churches of Paschalis lit candles as a symbol of the light of the Risen Christ.
At the end of the service those present gave each other a sign of peace.
