As it became known, manufacturing and installation in the central part of Viciebsk monument family Novgorod prince Alexander "Nevsky" become practical. To carry out all the work worth 3.4 billion rubles, the city bought decided to collect charitable contributions and suggested that the entrepreneur does not list decreases than 50 thousand rubles to a special account opened at a bank.
However, many residents of Viciebsk idea of erecting such a monument seems absurd, since it is based on distorted historical facts. To prove the absurdity of the whole business of the city authorities is enough to make a little excursion into the early medieval history of Viciebsk.
Princess Alexandra (Paraskeva) Bryachislavna belonged to the genus of Połacak princes. Her father was Prince Bryachislav Vasilkovich, the last of the Rurik dynasty. At the time, his father was engaged primarily in military affairs, she, along with her mother actually ruled the principality, helped by excellent education that she received: Alexander Bryachislavna mastered the art of negotiation, knew foreign languages.
In winter 1238-1239 years of the Grand Duke Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich with his son Alexander, who later became "Nevsky", the Prince of Novgorod, talking to Smolensk to reclaim it from Lithuania. After the war, he takes a willful decision to marry his son Alexandra Bryachislavna, despite the fact that the latter at that time took the veil.
Young were married in the church of St. George in the city in a hurry. This is how the fact of marriage "Nevsky" First Novgorod Chronicle: "В лѣто 6747 [1239]. Оженися князь Олександръ, сынъ Ярославль в Новѣгородѣ, поя в Полотьскѣ у Брячьслава дчерь, и вѣнчася в Торопчи; ту кашю чини, а в Новѣгородѣ другую. Того же лѣта князь Александръ с новгородци сруби городци по Шелонѣ".
Marriage "Nevsky" and Alexandra Bryachislavna brought them five children: Vasily, Dmitry, Andrei, Daniel and Evdokia.
It does not save reliable information about when it was Princess Alexandra Bryachislavna stepped into another world. We only know that they buried her in Vladimir, in the cathedral church of the Assumption monastery Duchess.
In 1245 (according to other sources, in 1248), the land of Smolensk and the Viciebsk region are beginning to attack by Lytvyns. Basil, the first-born "Nevsky", etc. while was in Viciebsk. Probably, he was rated the prince-governor of the parish, vassal of Brjachislav, maternal grandfather.
Perhaps Prince Alexander feared for the life of his young son, so with a small retinue went to Viciebsk to pick it up and move to Novgorod. On the way back at the prince glow squad Litvinov, but he managed to avoid defeat, and with the heir to safely get to your destination.
From this historical background the following can be very important for us to conclusions:
The marriage between Princess Alexandra Bryachislavna and Alexander "Nevsky" was dynastic, that is, marriage of political convenience rather than love. And it is symbolic that the monument princely family, which arose due to political necessity, will stand far away from the city palace of weddings.
The wedding took place in the young city Toropets (now in Russia in the Tver province), but not in Viciebsk. This is clearly evidenced by the chronicles, and therefore this historical fact, documented, leaves no room legends and falsification of History of Viciebsk.
In 1245 (or in 1248), Alexander "Nevsky" hastily evacuated his family from Viciebsk, because I thought this city an unsafe place for his family because of the eastward enlargement a new Belarusian state – the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
It is clear that Viciebsk was for "Nevsky" stranger, so messages he did not defend it – someone else for his wife's homeland – and chose to flee from the battle soldiers Litvinov in Novgorod. Fleeing, he is risking the life of his wife, and his first-born and heir of Basil.
After his ignominious flight of the great commander and victor Alexander "Nevsky" in the city on the Dvina no longer appear.
These historical facts smash to smithereens the arguments of officials of the Viciebsk City Council, tried to justify the need to install a monument to the family of Alexander "Nevsky" in Viciebsk. And, as always, for historical fantasy officials and their desire to please the eastern neighbors and cling to their history and glory we should be paying ordinary Viciebsk residents.
Leon Efremenko, Vitebsk Spring