They are collecting signatures on a petition to the director of fleet №3 Sergei Matskevich. And requests that all caring citizens also supported the initiative – written appeal to the head of the park buses.
Appeal to the Director of the fleet due to the fact that recently stopped the buses are announced in Russian, but previously heard of the electronic device ad – speaker, recorded in their native language. Renaming stops lately almost was not, what has caused the cancellation of Belarusian ads – is unknown. Activists believe that the transition to the Russian language does not contribute to the patriotic education of young people and does not add to the attractiveness of tourism hometown.
"In our country there is a good tradition to announce in a public transport stop in Belarusian. This is done in Minsk, Homiel, Viciebsk, Śvietłahorsk, Mazyr and other cities. It contributes to the development of Belarusian culture, formation of human consciousness, raising it to the national values and traditions of Belarus. In this situation, the appearance of the Russian-speaking announcer in Vorša unprofitable distinguishes our city from the other. It seems that we do not live in Belarus and their traditions do not appreciate. We urge you to return to the Belarusian announcements of bus stops in the city transport. We are confident that this will boost the credibility of the enterprise headed by you, and will be appreciated by the residents of Vorša as a positive beginning of a new cultural tradition", – the statement says.