In the area of flooding Viciebsk hydroelectric power station on the left bank of the Dźvina discovered hitherto unknown settlement, which, in all probability, not listed on the archaeological sites of the Viciebsk region.
Mound is on the high southern shore of the Dźvina. It refers to the so-called capes type settlements and has all the typical elements of this type. Pushed to the side of the river coastal cliff, which is located on the very site of ancient settlement with wooden buildings, made it possible to control a large area of the river valley. This location can be characterized as strategic and logically reasoned.
From the west and the east fort limited ravines and from the rest of the coastal area is separated sufficiently high defensive wall in front of which are still preserved outline of the moat. In the time of hard times fort became a safe haven for the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements. Elements of the settlement largely coincide with the elements close to it Baroniki settlement, located on the left bank of the river Łučosa, which is well studied by archaeologists and is under guard state.
According to the Viciebsk regional specialist Mikhail Pavlov opened archaeological site, most likely refers to the Dniapro-Dźvina archaeological culture, and can be dated to 6-7 centuries AD. However, no specific research to talk about this can be fairly approximate.
A certain concern is the fact that the west coast of the settlement has reversed engineering and earthworks, and about the future of settlement is unknown. Due to the fact that access to information related to the construction of power plants, to the public is limited, the question remains whether the demolished fort, or stop all work at the most approaches to it?

Vitebsk Spring