Public organization "Sefer" from Moscow visited Hłybokaje. Members of the organization will be a week to carry out an expedition to study the life Jews in Hłybokaje.
The expedition thirty scientists, anthropologists and students from the United States, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. They study the inscriptions on Jewish cemeteries and map, document the artifacts, recorded recollections of old residents of Jewish life before the war and during the Second World War in depth.
According to team leader of epigraphists Alexandra Fishel, the study of cemeteries, it takes many years, because it is an important historical source: "If we talk about Hłybokaje, there is unusual for Belarus fonts are found, unusual, beautiful letters. Despite the fact that the cut out on granite, which are preferably present, difficult. Who can say that this cemetery is really old and very interesting. Some of the stones are there - it's an old piece they untouched. At the entrance it says that the Nazis destroyed. That is clearly not part of this has been destroyed - we already know for sure, because the stones are gone pretty Hłybokaje into the ground - it shows that they have not moved since the establishment."
According to the results of the expedition will be made electronic catalog and brochure about Jewish life in the Hłybokaje with analytical material, as well as map data cemeteries and graves.

Radio Raсya