Under the terms of the tender announced by utilities, the monument should be built and installed before May 2016. Executive committee proposes to transfer money for the monument, as it should be raised for the extra-budgetary funds.
Special Account has been created, it was printed in the local newspaper "Vitbichi". However, hopes for donations little, since not all the inhabitants of the city welcomed the installation of the monument to Prince Russian woman who has a very indirect relation to Viciebsk. Therefore viteblyane expect their hunt for special voluntary work for the monument, or indicate to transfer money to all entrepreneurs and businesses too.
The residents of Viciebsk already accustomed to the idea that "a monument to Alexander Nevsky and his wife Princess Alexandra Bryachislavovnoy Viciebsk and son Vasily" – so he is officially called – will be built, despite any protests.
Deputy Mayor Peter Podgurskiy outlined his vision of the symbolism of this monument. According to him, the sculpture of the three parties – Alexander Nevsky, his teenage son Basil and his wife Alexandra (from other sources – Paraskeva) must embody family values. This, said the official, very much, as far from the monument in the uncertain future it is planned to build a Palace of solemn ceremonies.
Mr. Podgurskiy says that the young will take an example from the Russian prince, as the monument is the "epitome of loyalty and love." Also, and perhaps above all, a group of sculptures should bring "unity of ancient kingdoms." Because marriage with the daughter of Alexander Nevsky Prince of Polotsk Brjachislav was not only the family, but also a political union.
The current deputy chairman of the City Council, Peter Podgurskiy was in 2009 member of the Department of Culture, when the history of the monument to Alexander Nevsky was just beginning. Then the city council decided to install in Viciebsk just three of the monument: Prince Olgerd, the legendary Princess Olga, who allegedly founded the Viciebsk and Alexander Nevsky – his attitude towards the history of the city the most dubious. According to legend, he allegedly married in Viciebsk Annunciation Church, but it is not confirmed by documents. Other "snaps" to the city at this person there.
Six years ago, we organized the public discussion of models of all three sites. And apart from the monument to Prince Olgerd, the idea of ??spending funds for the perpetuation of these persons has been utterly vilified viteblyanami. Nevertheless, officials balked and decided to pursue the case: choose the winner, made a number of critical comments on the draft of the monument and in the end, it was remade other artistic groups. Now the author of the monument, which call for raising money are Viciebsk sculptor Alexander cloves and Ivan Kazak and Eugene Kolchev from Minsk.
The height of the monument is 4 meters, but the amount of the extrabudgetary resources that you need to collect "voluntary," no one calls. The site has been prepared for the monument back in 2011: it is based on Millennium Square in Viciebsk, and yet serves as a flower bed.